ČAS vydala aktuální věstník změn v ČSN pro březen 2024

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
37 Věstník 3/2024 prEN IEC 62657-4:2024 Industrial networks Coexistence wireless systems - Part Coexistence management with central coordination wireless applications CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-12 prEN IEC 61987-1:2024 Industrial-process measurement and control Data structures and elements process equipment catalogues - Part Measuring equipment with analogue and digital output CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-05 prEN IEC 63267-3-81:2024 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components Connector optical interfaces for enhanced macro bend multimode fibre Part 3-81: Connector parameters physically contacting core diameter fibres Non-angled polyphenylene sulphide rectangular ferrules with single row 12, fibres for reference connector applications CLC/TC 86BXA 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 63267-3-61:2024 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components Fibre optic connector optical interfaces for enhanced macrobend multimode fibres Part 3-61: Connector parameters physically contacting µm core diameter fibres Non-angled 2,5 and 1,25 mm diameter cylindrical full zirconia ferrules for reference connection applications CLC/TC 86BXA 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62683-2-3:2024 Product data and properties for information exchange - Engineering data Part 2-3: Functional safety and reliability CLC/SR 121 2024-03-29 prEN IEC 62541-24:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 24: Scheduler CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-23:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 23: Common referencetypes CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-22:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 22: Base network model CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-21:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 21: Device onboarding CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-20:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 20: File transfer CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-19:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 19: Dictionary reference CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-18:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 18: Role-based security CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-17:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 17: Alias names CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-16:2024 OPC unified architecture Part 16: State machines CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-2:2024 OPC unified architecture Part Security model CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 62541-1:2024 OPC unified architecture Part Overview and concepts CLC/TC 65X 2024-04-19 prEN IEC 61280-2-13:2024 Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures - Part 2-13: Digital systems measurement error vector magnitude CLC/SR 86C 2024-04-12 prEN IEC 80000-13:2024 Quantities and units Part 13: Information science and technology CLC/SR 2024-03-29 Česká agentura pro standardizaci ředitelka Odboru standardizace Zdeňka Slaná r.