Věstník 3/2024
EN 17353:2020/prA1 Protective clothing Enhanced visibility equipment for medium
risk situations Test methods and requirements
CEN/TC 162 2024-04-04
EN 14803:2020/prA1 Waste management Identification and/or determination
of the quantity waste
CEN/TC 183 2024-04-11
prEN ISO 24161 Waste collection and transportation management Vocabulary
(ISO 24161:2022)
CEN/TC 183 2024-04-04
prEN ISO 14544 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) -
Mechanical properties ceramic composites high temperature -
Determination compressive properties (ISO/DIS 14544:2024)
CEN/TC 184 2024-04-18
prEN ISO 14574 Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical ceramics) -
Mechanical properties ceramic composites high temperature -
Determination tensile properties (ISO/DIS 14574:2024)
CEN/TC 184 2024-04-19
prEN 12680-2 Founding Ultrasonic testing Part Steel castings for highly
stressed components
CEN/TC 190 2024-04-04
prEN 12680-1 Founding Ultrasonic testing Part Steel castings for general
CEN/TC 190 2024-04-04
prEN 12680-3 Founding Ultrasonic testing Part Spheroidal graphite cast
iron castings
CEN/TC 190 2024-04-04
prEN ISO 15858 UV-C Devices Safety information Permissible human exposure
(ISO/DIS 15858:2024)
CEN/TC 195 2024-04-18
prEN ISO 11135 Sterilization health care products Ethylene oxide -
Requirements for the development, validation and routine control
of sterilization process for medical devices
(ISO/DIS 11135:2024)
CEN/TC 204 2024-03-07
prEN ISO 7211-2 Textiles Methods for analysis woven fabrics construction -
Part Determination number threads per unit length
(ISO/DIS 7211-2:2024)
CEN/TC 248 2024-04-08
prEN ISO 9773 Plastics Determination burning behaviour thin flexible
vertical specimens contact with small-flame ignition source
(ISO/DIS 9773:2024)
CEN/TC 249 2024-04-10
prEN ISO 1628-1 Plastics Determination the viscosity polymers dilute
solution using capillary viscometers Part General principles
(ISO/DIS 1628-1:2024)
CEN/TC 249 2024-04-09
prEN ISO 6427 Plastics Determination matter extractable organic solvents
(conventional methods) (ISO/DIS 6427:2024)
CEN/TC 249 2024-04-16
EN 15610:2019/prA1 Railway applications Acoustics Rail and wheel roughness
measurement related noise generation
CEN/TC 256 2024-04-18
prEN ISO 22163 Railway applications Railway quality management system -
ISO 9001:2015 and specific requirements for application
in the railway sector (ISO 22163:2023)
CEN/TC 256 2024-04-04
prEN 12944-3 Fertilizers, liming materials and inhibitors Vocabulary Part 3:
Terms relating liming materials
CEN/TC 260 2024-04-04
prEN 15543 Glass packaging Finishes for bottles Screw thread finishes
for bottles for non-carbonated liquids
CEN/TC 261 2024-04-04
prEN ISO 8611-1 Pallets for materials handling Flat pallets Part Test methods
(ISO/DIS 8611-1:2024)
CEN/TC 261 2024-04-15
prEN ISO 8611-2 Pallets for materials handling Flat pallets Part Performance
requirements and selection tests (ISO/DIS 8611-2:2024)
CEN/TC 261 2024-04-16
prEN 17249-5 Intelligent transport systems eSafety Part eCall for UNECE
category and Powered Two-Wheeled Vehicles
CEN/TC 278 2024-04-11
prEN ISO 19116 Geographic information Positioning services
(ISO/DIS 19116:2024)
CEN/TC 287 2024-04-11
prEN ISO 15118-10 Road vehicles Vehicle grid communication interface Part 10:
Physical layer and data link layer requirements for single-pair
Ethernet (ISO/DIS 15118-10:2024)
CEN/TC 301 2024-04-03
prEN ISO 19952 Footwear Vocabulary (ISO/DIS 19952:2024) CEN/TC 309 2024-04-18