Věstník 1/2025
EN IEC 60445:2021/prA1:2024 Amendment Basic and safety principles for man-
machine interface, marking and identification -
Identification equipment terminals, conductor
terminations and conductors
CLC/SR 2025-02-14
EN IEC 60384-14:2023/
Amendment Fixed capacitors for use electronic
equipment Part 14: Sectional specification Fixed
capacitors for electromagnetic interference suppression
and connection the supply mains
CLC/TC 40XA 2025-02-14
EN IEC 62149-4:2023/prA1:2024 Amendment Fibre optic active components and
devices Performance standards Part 300 fibre
optic transceivers for Gigabit Ethernet application
CLC/SR 86C 2025-01-24
prEN IEC/ASTM 62885-6:2024 Surface cleaning appliances Part Wet hard floor
cleaning appliances for household similar use -
Methods for measuring the performance
CLC/TC 59X 2025-02-21
prEN IEC 60749-26:2024 Semiconductor devices Mechanical and climatic
test methods Part 26: Electrostatic discharge (ESD)
sensitivity testing Human body model (HBM)
CLC/TC 47X 2025-02-21
EN 62841-3-1:2014/prA2:2024 Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable
tools and lawn and garden machinery Safety Part 3-1:
Particular requirements for transportable table saws
CLC/TC 116 2025-01-31
prEN IEC 60749-23:2024 Semiconductor devices Mechanical and climatic test
methods Part 23: High temperature operating life
CLC/TC 47X 2025-02-14
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
Zdeňka Slaná, r.
ředitelka Odboru standardizace