Věstník 1/2025
prEN 6059-305 Aerospace series Electrical cables, installation -
Protection sleeves Test methods Part 305: Fluid
ASD-STAN 2025-02-13
prEN 3545-003 Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, rectangular,
with sealed and non-sealed rear, plastic housing,
locking device, operating temperatures -55 to
175 Part 003: Connectors with female contacts -
Product standard
ASD-STAN 2025-02-06
prEN 3545-004 Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, rectangular,
with sealed and non-sealed rear, plastic housing,
locking device, operating temperatures -55 to
175 Part 004: Connectors with male contacts -
Product standard
ASD-STAN 2025-02-06
prEN 4048 Aerospace series Nuts, self-locking, threads, in
heat-resisting nickel base alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718),
MoS2 coated Classification: 550 MPa (at ambient
temperature)/425 Technical specification
ASD-STAN 2025-02-06
prEN 4855-02 Aerospace series ECO efficiency catering
equipment Part 02: Oven equipment
ASD-STAN 2025-02-13
prEN 4913 Aerospace series Use regrinds and recycled
materials thermoplastic parts
ASD-STAN 2025-02-20
prEN 9241 Aerospace series Programme management -
Execution logic
ASD-STAN 2025-02-20
prEN 6067 Aerospace series Pin, quick release, self-retaining,
positive locking, double acting Button handle
ASD-STAN 2025-01-30
prEN 4163 Aerospace series Screws 100° countersunk normal
head, offset cruciform recess, coarse tolerance normal
shank, long thread, alloy steel, cadmium plated -
Classification: 100 MPa (at ambient temperature) 235 °C
ASD-STAN 2025-02-13
prEN 2583 Aerospace series Bolts, threads, heat resisting
nickel base alloy NI-PH2601 (Inconel 718) -
Classification: 275 MPa
(at ambient temperature)/650 Technical specification
ASD-STAN 2025-02-13
EN ISO 377:2017/prA1 Steel and steel products Location and preparation
of samples and test pieces for mechanical testing -
Amendment (ISO 377:2017/DAM 1:2024)
CEN/TC 459/SC 2025-01-28
prEN ISO 14019-1 Sustainability information Part General principles
and requirements for validation and verification
(ISO/DIS 14019-1:2024)
CEN/CLC/JTC 2025-01-29
prEN ISO 14019-2 Sustainability information Part Principles and
requirements for verification processes
(ISO/DIS 14019-2:2024)
CEN/CLC/JTC 2025-01-29
prEN ISO 14019-4 Sustainability information Part Principles and
requirements for bodies validating and verifying
sustainability information (ISO/DIS 14019-4:2024)
CEN/CLC/JTC 2025-02-07
prEN ISO 20417 Medical devices Information supplied the
manufacturer (ISO/DIS 20417:2024)
CEN/CLC/JTC 2025-02-21
prEN ISO/IEC 27555 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy
protection Guidelines personally identifiable
information deletion (ISO/IEC 27555:2021)
CEN/CLC/JTC 2025-02-06
prEN ISO/IEC 19896-2 Information security, cybersecurity and privacy protection -
Requirements for the competence security
conformance assessment body personnel Part 2:
Knowledge and skills requirements for ISO/IEC 19790
testers and validators (ISO/IEC DIS 19896-2:2024)
CEN/CLC/JTC 2025-02-03
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
Zdeňka Slaná, r.
ředitelka Odboru standardizace