Věstník 9/2024
prEN IEC 60404-18:2024 Magnetic materials Part 18: Permanent magnet
(magnetically hard) materials Methods measurement
of the magnetic properties open magnetic circuit
using superconducting magnet
CLC/SR 2024-10-04
EN 50367:2020/prA2 Railways applications Fixed installations and rolling
stock Criteria achieve technical compatibility between
pantographs and overhead contact line
CLC/TC 2024-09-27
prEN IEC 60721-3-6:2024 Classification environmental conditions.
ředitelka Odboru standardizace
. part 3:
Classification groups environmental parameters and
their severities Ship environment
CLC/SR 104 2024-10-04
prEN IEC 60793-2-60:2024 Optical fibres Part 2-60: Product specifications -
Sectional specification for category single-mode
interconnection fibres
CLC/TC 86A 2024-10-11
prEN IEC 60350-2:2024 Household electric cooking appliances Part Hobs -
Methods for measuring performance
CLC/TC 59X 2024-10-18
prEN IEC 60352-7:2024 Solderless connections Part Spring clamp
connections General requirements, test methods and
practical guidance
CLC/SR 48B 2024-09-27
prEN IEC 63066:2024 Low-voltage docking connectors for removable energy
storage units
CLC/TC 23H 2024-10-11
prEN 50174-4:2024 Information technology Cabling installation Part 4:
Testing installed optical fibre cabling
CLC/TC 215 2024-10-18
EN 62841-1:2015/prA1:2024 Amendment Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden machinery -
Safety Part General requirements
CLC/TC 116 2024-09-27
prEN IEC 60704-2-4:2024 Household and similar electrical appliances Test code for
the determination airborne acoustical noise Part 2-4:
Particular requirements for washing machines and spin
CLC/TC 59X 2024-10-11
EN IEC 60350-1:2023/prA1:2024 Amendment Household electric cooking appliances -
Part Ranges, ovens, steam ovens and grills Methods
for measuring performance
CLC/TC 59X 2024-10-04
EN 61669:2016/prA1:2024 Amendment Electroacoustics Measurement
of real-ear acoustical performance characteristics
of hearing aids
CLC/SR 2024-10-18
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
Zdeňka Slaná, r