Věstník 1/2024
prEN IEC 63203-201-4:2023 Wearable electronic devices and technologies -
Part 201-4: Electronic textile Test method for
determining sheet resistance conductive fabrics
after abrasion
CLC/SR 124 2024-02-02
prEN IEC 63380-1:2023 Local charging station management systems and local
energy management systems network connectivity
and information exchange Part General
requirements, use cases and abstract messages
CLC/TC 69X 2024-01-26
prEN IEC 62282-3-201:2023 Fuel cell technologies Part 3-201: Stationary fuel
cell power systems Performance test methods for
small fuel cell power systems
CLC/SR 105 2024-02-16
prEN IEC 62127-2:2023 Ultrasonics Hydrophones Part Calibration for
ultrasonic fields
CLC/SR 2024-02-16
prEN IEC 60721-2-5:2023 Classification environmental conditions Part 2:
Environmental conditions appearing nature -
Section Dust, sand, salt mist
CLC/SR 104 2024-02-09
prEN IEC 60794-1-207:2023 Optical fibre cables Part 1-207: Generic specification -
Basic optical cable test procedures Environmental
test methods Nuclear radiation, method f7
CLC/TC 86A 2024-01-26
prEN IEC 60068-2-87:2023 Environmental testing Part 2-87: Tests-test xx:
UV-c Exposure materials and components to
simulate ultraviolet germicidal irradiation other
CLC/SR 104 2024-02-02
prEN IEC 60794-1-208:2023 Optical fibre cables Part 1-208: Generic specification -
Basic optical cable test procedures Environmental
test methods Pneumatic resistance, method F8
CLC/TC 86A 2024-01-26
prEN IEC 60721-2-2:2023 Classification environmental conditions Part 2-2:
Environmental conditions appearing nature -
Precipitation and wind
CLC/SR 104 2024-02-09
prEN IEC 60068-3-6:2023 Environmental testing Part 3-6: Supporting
documentation and guidance Confirmation the
performance temperature/ humidity chambers
CLC/SR 104 2024-01-26
prEN IEC 60705:2023 Household microwave ovens Methods for
measuring performance
CLC/TC 59X 2024-02-16
prEN IEC 61643-11:2023 {frag1} Fragment Low-voltage surge protective devices -
Part 11: Surge protective devices connected AC
low-voltage power systems Requirements and test
CLC/TC 37A 2024-01-26
prEN IEC 61643-11:2023 {frag Fragment Low-voltage surge protective devices -
Part 11: Surge protective devices connected AC
low-voltage power systems Requirements and test
CLC/TC 37A 2024-01-26
EN IEC 61400-1:2019/prA1:2023 Wind energy generation systems Part Design
requirements Amendment 1
CLC/TC 2024-01-26
prEN IEC 63522-56:2023 Electrical relays Tests and measurements Part 56:
Ball pressure test
CLC/SR 2024-02-09
prEN IEC 61643-01:2023/prAA:2023 Low-voltage surge protective devices Part 01:
General Requirements and test methods
CLC/TC 37A 2024-01-26
prEN IEC 61643-11:2023/prAA:2023 Low-voltage surge protective devices Part 11: Surge
protective devices connected low-voltage
power systems Requirements and test methods
CLC/TC 37A 2024-01-26
prEN IEC 61643-41:2023/prAA:2023 Low-voltage surge protective devices Part 41: Surge
protective devices connected low-voltage
power systems Requirements and test methods
CLC/TC 37A 2024-01-26
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