Věstník 1/2024
prEN 4733-003 Aerospace series Rectangular optical connector, modular -
Operating temperature 125 °C, for 4734 10X: contacts -
Part 003: Module double contacts, series Product
ASD-STAN 2024-02-15
prEN 4734-101 Aerospace series Mechanical transfer contact, fibre optic
contact Multi connectors Part 101: male contact ways -
Technical specification
ASD-STAN 2024-02-22
prEN 4734-102 Aerospace series Mechanical transfer contact, fibre optic
contact Multi connectors Part 102: female contact ways -
Technical specification
ASD-STAN 2024-02-22
prEN 3155-009 Aerospace Series Electrical contacts used elements of
connection Part 009: Contacts, electrical, female, type A,
crimp, class Product standard
ASD-STAN 2024-02-15
prEN 3475-807 Aerospace series Cables, electrical, aircraft use Test methods -
Part 807: Transfer impedance
ASD-STAN 2024-02-22
prEN 3155-017 Aerospace series Electrical contacts used elements
of connection Part 017 Contacts, electrical, relay base,
female, type crimp, class Product standard
ASD-STAN 2024-02-15
prEN 3155-044 Aerospace series Electrical contacts used elements
of connection Part 044: Contacts, electrical, male 044, type A,
double crimping, class Product standard
ASD-STAN 2024-02-15
prEN 3155-045 Aerospace series Electrical contacts used elements
of connection Part 045: Contacts, electrical, female, type A,
double crimping, class Product standard
ASD-STAN 2024-02-15
prEN 2285 Aerospace series Bush, plain, aluminium alloy, with
self-lubricating liner Dimensions and loads
ASD-STAN 2024-02-15
prEN 2286 Aerospace series Bush, flanged aluminium alloy, with
self-lubricating liner Dimensions and loads
ASD-STAN 2024-02-15
prEN ISO 14071 Environmental management Life cycle assessment Critical
review processes and reviewer competencies: Additional
requirements and guidelines ISO 14044:2006
(ISO/DIS 14071:2023)
CEN/SS S26 2024-01-25
prEN ISO 10714 Steel and iron Determination phosphorus content -
Phosphovanadomolybdate spectrophotometric method
(ISO/DIS 10714:2023)
CEN/TC 459/SC 2024-02-06
prEN 18035 Prestressing steels Waxed and sheathed strands for
construction applications
CEN/TC 459/SC 2024-02-08
prEN 10265 Magnetics materials Specification for electrical steel strip
and sheet with specified mechanical properties and magnetic
CEN/TC 459/SC 2024-02-22
prEN 18037 Guidelines sectoral cybersecurity assessment CEN/CLC/JTC 2024-02-22
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