).Věstník 9/2023
Decision Product family Product Intended
Technical specifications Body function
97/638/ec Fasteners for structural timber
products (1/1)/Self adjustable clamp
assemblies/bridges, railtracks and
buildings secure steelwork fixtures
to structural members (beams,
columns using sections, channels,
etc. The assembly may required
to resist tensile forces (e.. forces
tending separate the structural
components) lateral forces, a
bombination the two.g.
System EAD 330155-00-0602 FPC Certification Body
97/638/ec Fasteners for structural timber
products (1/1)/Shear plates/for
structural timber products
System 14545:2008
EAD 130033-00-0603
EAD 130186-00-0603
FPC Certification Body
97/638/ec Fasteners for structural timber
products (1/1)/Toothed-plate
connectors/for structural timber
System 14545:2008 FPC Certification Body
96/577/ec Fire alarm/detection, fixed fire-
fighting, fire and smoke control and
explosion suppression products
(1/1)/Powered ventilators/fire safety
System 12101-3:2015 Product Certification
96/577/ec Fire alarm/detection, fixed fire-
fighting, fire and smoke control and
explosion suppression products
(1/1)/Smoke and heat exhaust
ventilation systems-kits/fire safety
System 12101-2:2003
EN 12101-3:2002
EN 12101-3:2002/AC:2005
Product Certification
99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire
protection products (1/2)/Fire
protective board, slab and mat
products and kits/for fire
compartmentation and/or fire
protection fire performance
System EAD 350142-00-1106 Product Certification
99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire
protection products (1/2)/Fire
protective products (including
coatings)/for fire compartmentation
and/or fire protection fire
System ETAG 018 Art 66(3)
ETAG 018 Art 66(3)
ETAG 018 Art 66(3)
EAD 350005-00-1104
EAD 350865-00-1106
Product Certification
99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire
protection products (1/2)/Fire stopping
and fire sealing products Penetration
seals/for fire compartmentation and/or
fire protection fire performance
System EAD 350454-00-1104 Product Certification
99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire
protection products (1/2)/Fire
stopping, fire sealing products/for fire
compartmentation and/or fire
protection fire performance
System ETAG 018 Art 66(3)
ETAG 018 Art 66(3)
ETAG 018 Art 66(3)
EAD 350005-00-1104
EAD 350003-00-1109
EAD 350865-00-1106
Product Certification
99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire
protection products (1/2)/Linear joint
and gap seals/for fire
compartmentation and/or fire
protection fire performance
System EAD 350141-00-1106 Product Certification