ČAS - Věstník 2023-9

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
.Věstník 9/2023 46 Decision Product family Product Intended use AVCP system Technical specifications Body function 97/638/ec Fasteners for structural timber products (1/1)/Self adjustable clamp assemblies/bridges, railtracks and buildings secure steelwork fixtures to structural members (beams, columns using sections, channels, etc.. System EAD 330155-00-0602 FPC Certification Body 97/638/ec Fasteners for structural timber products (1/1)/Shear plates/for structural timber products System 14545:2008 EAD 130033-00-0603 EAD 130186-00-0603 FPC Certification Body 97/638/ec Fasteners for structural timber products (1/1)/Toothed-plate connectors/for structural timber products System 14545:2008 FPC Certification Body 96/577/ec Fire alarm/detection, fixed fire- fighting, fire and smoke control and explosion suppression products (1/1)/Powered ventilators/fire safety System 12101-3:2015 Product Certification Body 96/577/ec Fire alarm/detection, fixed fire- fighting, fire and smoke control and explosion suppression products (1/1)/Smoke and heat exhaust ventilation systems-kits/fire safety System 12101-2:2003 EN 12101-3:2002 EN 12101-3:2002/AC:2005 Product Certification Body 99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protection products (1/2)/Fire protective board, slab and mat products and kits/for fire compartmentation and/or fire protection fire performance System EAD 350142-00-1106 Product Certification Body 99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protection products (1/2)/Fire protective products (including coatings)/for fire compartmentation and/or fire protection fire performance System ETAG 018 Art 66(3) ETAG 018 Art 66(3) ETAG 018 Art 66(3) EAD 350005-00-1104 EAD 350865-00-1106 Product Certification Body 99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protection products (1/2)/Fire stopping and fire sealing products Penetration seals/for fire compartmentation and/or fire protection fire performance System EAD 350454-00-1104 Product Certification Body 99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protection products (1/2)/Fire stopping, fire sealing products/for fire compartmentation and/or fire protection fire performance System ETAG 018 Art 66(3) ETAG 018 Art 66(3) ETAG 018 Art 66(3) EAD 350005-00-1104 EAD 350003-00-1109 EAD 350865-00-1106 Product Certification Body 99/454/ec Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protection products (1/2)/Linear joint and gap seals/for fire compartmentation and/or fire protection fire performance System EAD 350141-00-1106 Product Certification Body Page. forces tending separate the structural components) lateral forces, a bombination the two. The assembly may required to resist tensile forces (e.).g