ČAS - Věstník 2023-6

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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2 Annex I to prevent the car from falling uncontrolled movements - overspeed limitation devices - 4(a) energy-accumulating buffers: - non-linear - with damping the return movements - 4(b) energy-dissipating buffers - safety devices fitted jacks hydraulic power circuits where these are used devices prevent falls - electric safety devices the form safety circuits containing electronic components EU-type examination safety components for lifts Conformity type based on product quality assurance for safety components for lifts Conformity type with random checking for safety components for lifts Annex IVA Annex VI Annex IX 2.Věstník 6/2023 56 tasks performed the body : last approval date 18/04/2023 product family, product /intended use/product range procedure/modules annexes articles the directives Lifts Conformity based unit verification for lifts Conformity type based on product quality assurance for lifts Conformity based full quality assurance plus design examination for lifts Conformity type based on production quality assurance for lifts EU-type examination lifts Annex VIII Annex X Annex XI Annex XII Annex IVB Safety components - devices for locking landing doors - devices prevent falls referred point 3