6 7005-188
CLC/TC 2023-07-21
prEN IEC 62290-1:2023 Railway applications Urban guided transport
management and command/control systems Part 1:
System principles and fundamental concepts
CLC/TC 2023-07-21
prEN IEC 62290-3:2023 Railway applications Urban guided transport
management and command/control systems Part 3:
System requirements specification
CLC/TC 2023-07-21
prEN IEC 62290-2:2023 Railway applications Urban guided transport
management and command/control systems Part 2:
Functional requirements specification
CLC/TC 2023-07-21
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
ředitelka Odboru standardizace
Zdeňka Slaná r.Věstník 6/2023
EN IEC 62061:2021/prA1:2023 Amendment Safety machinery Functional safety
of safety-related control systems
CLC/TC 44X 2023-07-21
prEN 50436-7:2023 Alcohol interlocks Test methods and performance
requirements Part Installation document
CLC/BTTF 116-2 2023-07-21
prEN IEC 60068-2-86:2023 Environmental Testing Part 2-86: Tests-Test Fx:
Multi-Exciter and Multi-Axis Shock and Vibration Testing
and Guidance
CLC/SR 104 2023-07-21
prEN IEC 61427-2:2023 Secondary cells and batteries for renewable energy
storage General requirements and methods test Part 2:
On-grid applications
CLC/TC 21X 2023-07-14
prEN IEC 60794-2-20:2023 Optical fibre cables Part 2-20: Indoor cables Family
specification for multi-fibre optical cables
CLC/TC 86A 2023-06-30
prEN IEC 60939-3:2023 Passive filter units for electromagnetic interference
suppression Part Passive filter units for which safety
tests are appropriate
CLC/TC 40XA 2023-07-07
prEN IEC 60335-2-40:2023 Household and similar electrical appliances Safety -
Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat
pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers
CLC/TC 2023-07-07
prEN IEC 60335-2-40:2023/
Household and similar electrical appliances Safety -
Part 2-40: Particular requirements for electrical heat
pumps, air-conditioners and dehumidifiers
CLC/TC 2023-07-07
EN IEC 60335-2-25:2021/
Household and similar electrical appliances Safety -
Part 2-25: Particular requirements for microwave ovens,
including combination microwave ovens
CLC/TC 2023-06-30
EN IEC 60335-2-84:2021/
Household and similar electrical appliances Safety -
Part 2-84: Particular requirements for toilet appliances
CLC/TC 2023-06-30
prEN IEC 60034-12:2023 Rotating electrical machines Part 12: Starting performance
of single-speed three-phase cage induction motors
CLC/TC 2023-07-21
prEN IEC 60676:2023 Industrial electroheating equipment Test methods for
direct arc furnaces
CLC/SR 2023-07-21
EN 60143-1:2015/prA1:2023 Series capacitors for power systems Part General -
Amendment 1
CLC/SR 2023-07-21
EN IEC 60079-15:2019/prAA Explosive atmospheres Part 15: Equipment protection by
type protection „n“
CLC/TC 2023-07-14
prEN IEC 61558-2-5:2023 Safety transformers, reactors, power supply units and
combinations thereof Part 2-5: Particular requirements
and test for transformer for shavers, power supply units for
shavers and shaver supply units
CLC/SR 2023-07-07
EN 61097-12/prA2 Amendment Global maritime distress and safety
system (GMDSS) Part 12: Survival craft portable
two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus Operational
and performance requirements, methods testing and
required test results
CLC/SR 2023-07-07
prEN IEC 60061-PR2023-
Lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the
control interchangeability and safety Gauges for
holders GJ6.