Věstník 6/2023
prEN 12007-5 Gas infrastructure Pipelines for maximum operating
pressure and including bar Part Service
lines Specific functional requirements
CEN/TC 234 2023-07-06
prEN 14682 Safety children‘s clothing Cords and drawstrings
on children‘s clothing Specifications
CEN/TC 248 2023-07-06
prEN ISO 105-C12 Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part C12: Colour
fastness industrial laundering
(ISO/DIS 105-C12:2023)
CEN/TC 248 2023-07-20
prEN ISO 105-B04 Textiles Tests for colour fastness Part B04: Colour
fastness artificial weathering: Xenon arc fading lamp
test (ISO/DIS 105-B04:2023)
CEN/TC 248 2023-07-14
prEN ISO 1833-4 Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part 4:
Mixtures certain protein fibres with certain other
fibres (method using hypochlorite)
(ISO/DIS 1833-4:2023)
CEN/TC 248 2023-07-06
prEN ISO 10781 Health Informatics HL7 Electronic Health
Records-System Functional Model, Release 2.1
(EHR FM) (ISO/DIS 10781:2023)
CEN/TC 251 2023-07-06
prEN ISO/IEEE 11073-10419 Health informatics Personal health device
communication Part 10419: Device specialization -
Insulin pump (ISO/IEEE 11073-10419:2019)
CEN/TC 251 2023-07-20
EN 16186-8:2022/prA1 Railway applications Driver‘s cab Part Tram
vehicle layout and access
CEN/TC 256 2023-06-29
prEN ISO 19659-1 Railway applications Heating, ventilation and air
conditioning systems for rolling stock Part Terms
and definitions (ISO 19659-1:2017)
CEN/TC 256 2023-07-20
prEN ISO 9717 Metallic and other inorganic coatings Phosphate
conversion coating metals (ISO/DIS 9717:2023)
CEN/TC 262 2023-07-14
prEN 16510-2-5 Residential solid fuel burning appliances Part 2-5:
Slow heat release appliances
CEN/TC 295 2023-06-29
prEN ISO/IEC 80079-41 Explosive atmospheres Part 41: Reciprocating internal
combustion engines (ISO/IEC DIS 80079-41:2023)
CEN/TC 305 2023-07-14
prEN 17948 Maintenance function and management CEN/TC 319 2023-06-29
prEN 17975 Maintenance Energies and fluids risks control process
for maintenance tasks Guidance
CEN/TC 319 2023-07-20
prEN 17963 Natural gas vehicles LNG vehicle fuelling procedures CEN/TC 326 2023-07-06
prEN 12594 Bitumen and bituminous binders Preparation test
CEN/TC 336 2023-07-06
prEN 12597 Bitumen and bituminous binders Terminology CEN/TC 336 2023-07-06
prEN 12607-1 Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination the
resistance hardening under influence heat and air -
Part RTFOT method
CEN/TC 336 2023-07-06
prEN 1426 Bitumen and bituminous binders Determination
of needle penetration
CEN/TC 336 2023-07-06
prEN ISO 4349 Solid recovered fuels Determination the Recycling
Index for co-processing (ISO/DIS 4349:2023)
CEN/TC 343 2023-07-20
prEN ISO 21911-1 Solid recovered fuels Determination self-heating -
Part Isothermal calorimetry (ISO 21911-1:2022)
CEN/TC 343 2023-07-20
prEN ISO/ASTM 52938-1 Additive manufacturing metals Environment,
health and safety Part Safety requirements for PBF-
LB machines (ISO/ASTM DIS 52938-1:2023)
CEN/TC 438 2023-07-20
prEN ISO/ASTM 52943-2 Additive manufacturing for aerospace Process
characteristics and performance Part Directed
energy deposition using wire and arc
(ISO/ASTM DIS 52943-2:2023)
CEN/TC 438 2023-07-10