Věstník 3/2023
decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification
EN 771-3:2011
EN 771-3:2011+A1:2015
EN 771-4:2011
EN 771-4:2011+A1:2015
EN 771-5:2011
EN 771-5:2011+A1:2015
EN 771-6:2011
EN 771-6:2011+A1:2015
97/740/EC Masonry and related products (3/3) Masonry units
incorporating thermal insulating materials placed face
susceptible exposed fire (in walls and partitions
subject reaction fire regulations).
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 14041:2004
EN 14041:2004/AC:2006
EN 14904:2006
97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Resilient and textile floorings -
homogeneous and heterogeneous resilient floor coverings
supplied either tile, sheet roll form (textile floor covering
including tiles; plastic and rubber sheets (aminoplastic
thermosetting floorings); linoleum and cork; anti-static sheet;
floor loose laid tiles; resilient laminated floorings) (for internal
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 030351-00-0402
98/213/EC Internal partition kits (1/5) Internal partition kits (for uses
subject reaction fire requirements).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EAD 210005-00-0505
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (2/4) Structural
metallic construction members: finished metal framing for
suspended ceilings (heavy duty). They can unprotected or
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 200035-00-0302
8 21
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 12057:2004
EN 12058:2004
EN 14342:2013
EN 15285:2008
EN 15285:2008/AC:2008
98/143/EC Systems mechanically fastened flexible roof waterproofing
membranes (1/1) Systems mechanically fastened
flexible roof waterproofing membranes including the system
of fastening, jointing and edging, and sometimes thermal
insulation, limited continuous watertight systems based on
flexible sheets (for roof waterproofing).
Testing Laboratory
Calculation body
(System 3)
EN 15824: 2017
97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Resilient and textile floorings -
homogeneous and heterogeneous resilient floor coverings
supplied either tile, sheet roll form (textile floor covering
including tiles; plastic and rubber sheets (aminoplastic
thermosetting floorings); linoleum and cork; anti-static sheet;
floor loose laid tiles; resilient laminated floorings) (for internal
Certification Body
(System 1)
EN 14342:2013
EN 15285:2008
EN 15285:2008/AC:2008
97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Floor screed materials (for internal uses). Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 13454-1:2004
EN 13813:2002
EN 14016-1:2004
97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Rigid flooring products<BR>(a)
Components: paving units, tiles, mosaics, parquet, decking of
mesh sheet, floor gratings, rigid laminated floorings, wood
based products (for internal uses including enclosed public
transport premises). Product
Certification Body
(System 1)
EN 13454-1:2004
EN 13813:2002
97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Rigid flooring products<BR>(a)
Components: paving units, tiles, mosaics, parquet, decking of
mesh sheet, floor gratings, rigid laminated floorings, wood
based products (for internal uses including enclosed public
transport premises).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EN 14041:2004
EN 14041:2004/AC:2006
EN 14904:2006
97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Floor screed materials (for internal uses).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EAD 170011-00-0305
EN 15824: 2017
97/740/EC Masonry and related products (3/3) Masonry units
incorporating thermal insulating materials placed face
susceptible exposed fire (in walls and partitions
subject reaction fire regulations)