Věstník 2/2023
prEN 15269-2 Extended application test results for fire resistance
and/or smoke control for door, shutter and openable
window assemblies, including their elements building
hardware Part Fire resistance hinged and pivoted
steel doorsets
CEN/TC 127 2023-02-23
prEN 12196 Gymnastic equipment Horses and bucks Functional
and safety requirements, test methods
CEN/TC 136 2023-03-16
prEN ISO 20567-2 Paints and varnishes Determination stone-chip
resistance coatings Part Single-impact test with
a guided impact body (ISO/DIS 20567-2:2022)
CEN/TC 139 2023-03-01
prEN ISO 19085-12 Woodworking machines Safety Part 12:
Tenoning/profiling machines (ISO/DIS 19085-12:2022)
CEN/TC 142 2023-03-20
prEN ISO 16122-1 Agricultural and forestry machinery Inspection of
sprayers use Part General (ISO/DIS 16122-1:2022)
CEN/TC 144 2023-03-20
prEN ISO 16122-2 Agricultural and forestry machinery Inspection
of sprayers use Part Horizontal boom sprayers
(ISO/DIS 16122-2:2022)
CEN/TC 144 2023-03-20
prEN ISO 16122-3 Agricultural and forestry machinery Inspection
of sprayers use Part Sprayers for bush and tree
crops (ISO/DIS 16122-3:2022)
CEN/TC 144 2023-03-20
prEN ISO 16122-4 Agricultural and forestry machines Inspection
of sprayers use Part Fixed and semi-mobile
sprayers (ISO/DIS 16122-4:2022)
CEN/TC 144 2023-03-20
prEN ISO 18497-3 Agricultural machinery and tractors Safety partially
automated, semi-autonomous and autonomous
machinery Part Autonomous operating zones
(ISO/DIS 18497-3:2022)
CEN/TC 144 2023-02-27
prEN ISO 18497-4 Agricultural machinery and tractors Safety partially
automated, semi-autonomous and autonomous
machinery Part Verification methods and validation
principles (ISO/DIS 18497 4:2022)
CEN/TC 144 2023-02-27
prEN ISO 6683 Earth-moving machinery Seat belts and seat belt
anchorages Performance requirements and tests
(ISO/DIS 6683:2022)
CEN/TC 151 2023-02-23
EN 14325:2018/prA1 Protective clothing against chemicals Test methods and
performance classification chemical protective clothing
materials, seams, joins and assemblages
CEN/TC 162 2023-03-16
prEN 14528 Bidets Functional requirements and test methods CEN/TC 163 2023-03-16
prEN ISO 9862 Geosynthetics Sampling and preparation test
specimens (ISO/DIS 9862:2022)
CEN/TC 189 2023-02-28
EN 334:2019/prA1 Gas pressure regulators for inlet pressure MPa
(100 bar)
CEN/TC 235 2023-03-16
prEN ISO 20200 Plastics Determination the degree disintegration
of plastic materials under composting conditions in
a laboratory-scale test (ISO/DIS 20200:2022)
CEN/TC 249 2023-03-17
prEN ISO 13927 Plastics Simple heat release test using conical radiant
heater and thermopile detector (ISO/DIS 13927:2022)
CEN/TC 249 2023-03-20
prEN ISO 3671 Plastics Aminoplastic moulding materials -
Determination volatile matter (ISO/DIS 3671:2022)
CEN/TC 249 2023-03-20
prEN ISO Plastics Determination apparent density material
that can poured from specified funnel
(ISO/DIS 60:2022)
CEN/TC 249 2023-03-01
prEN ISO Plastics Determination apparent density moulding
material that cannot poured from specified funnel
(ISO/DIS 61:2022)
CEN/TC 249 2023-03-08
prEN ISO 527-4 Plastics Determination tensile properties Part Test
conditions for isotropic and orthotropic fibre-reinforced
plastic composites (ISO/FDIS 527-4:2022)
CEN/TC 249 2023-02-24