Věstník 12/2023
EN ISO 20344:2021/prA1 Personal protective equipment Test methods for footwear -
Amendment (ISO 20344:2021/DAM 1:2023)
CEN/TC 161 2024-06-05
prEN 12255-7 Wastewater treatment plants Part Biological fixed-film
CEN/TC 165 2024-06-12
prEN 12255-1 Wastewater treatment plants Part General construction
CEN/TC 165 2024-06-12
EN 14276-1:2020/prA1 Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat
pumps Part Vessels General requirements
CEN/TC 182 2024-06-28
EN 14276-2:2020/prA1 Pressure equipment for refrigerating systems and heat
pumps Part Piping General requirements
CEN/TC 182 2024-06-28
prEN ISO 10319 Geosynthetics Wide-width tensile test
(ISO/DIS 10319:2023)
CEN/TC 189 2024-06-11
prEN ISO 13428 Geosynthetics Determination the protection efficiency
of geosynthetic against impact damage
(ISO/DIS 13428:2023)
CEN/TC 189 2024-06-06
prEN 15004-1 Fixed firefighting systems Gas extinguishing systems -
Part Design, installation and maintenance
(ISO 14520-1:2013, modified)
CEN/TC 191 2024-06-20
prEN ISO 7199 Cardiovascular implants and artificial organs Blood-gas
exchangers (oxygenators) (ISO/DIS 7199:2023)
CEN/TC 205 2024-06-11
EN ISO 7029:2017/prA1 Acoustics Statistical distribution hearing thresholds
related age and gender Amendment Correction
of parameter values for estimating the hearing threshold
distribution (ISO 7029:2017/DAM 1:2023)
CEN/TC 211 2024-06-19
prEN 15895 Powder actuated hand-held fixing and hard marking tools -
Safety requirements
CEN/TC 213 2024-05-11
prEN ISO 4080 Rubber and plastics hoses and tubing, and their assemblies -
Determination permeability gas (ISO/DIS 4080:2023)
CEN/TC 218 2024-06-25
prEN ISO 8028 Rubber and/or plastics hoses and hose assemblies for airless
paint spraying Specification (ISO/DIS 8028:2023)
CEN/TC 218 2024-06-26
prEN ISO 6143 Gas analysis Comparison methods for determining and
checking the composition calibration gas mixtures
(ISO/DIS 6143:2023)
CEN/TC 238 2024-06-24
prEN ISO 14912 Gas analysis Conversion gas mixture composition data
(ISO/DIS 14912:2023)
CEN/TC 238 2024-06-24
prEN ISO 17855-2 Plastics Polyethylene (PE) moulding and extrusion
materials Part Preparation test specimens and
determination properties (ISO/DIS 17855-2:2023)
CEN/TC 249 2024-06-12
prEN 12814-8 Testing welded joints thermoplastics semi-finished
products Part Requirements
CEN/TC 249 2024-07-02
prEN ISO 3095 Railway applications Acoustics Measurement noise
emitted railbound vehicles (ISO/DIS 3095:2023)
CEN/TC 256 2024-07-06
prEN 1860-1 Appliances, solid fuels and firelighters for barbecueing -
Part Barbecues burning solid fuels Requirements and
test methods
CEN/TC 281 2024-01-30
prEN ISO 19168-1 Geographic information Geospatial API for features -
Part Core (ISO/DIS 19168-1:2023)
CEN/TC 287 2024-06-25
prEN ISO 21135 Chemicals for the leather tanning industry Determination
of the total content certain bisphenols
(ISO/DIS 21135:2023)
CEN/TC 289 2024-12-11
prEN ISO 5463 Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Form measuring
equipment; Rotary axis form measuring instruments -
Design and metrological characteristics
(ISO/DIS 5463:2023)
CEN/TC 290 2022-12-13
prEN 13757-7 Communication systems for meters Part Transport and
security services
CEN/TC 294 2024-12-13