Věstník 1/2023
prEN IEC 60601-2-16:2022 Medical electrical equipment Part 2-16:
Particular requirements for basic safety and
essential performance haemodialysis,
haemodiafiltration and haemofiltration equipment
CLC/TC 2023-02-03
prEN IEC 63215-5:2022 Endurance test methods for die attach materials -
Part Temperature cycling test methods
for die attach materials (system soldering
interconnection) applied module type power
electronic devices
CLC/SR 2023-01-27
prEN IEC 60034-2-3:2022 Rotating electrical machines Part 2-3: Specific
test methods for determining losses and efficiency
of converter-fed motors
CLC/TC 2023-02-10
prEN IEC 60034-2-2:2022 Rotating electrical machines Part 2-2: Specific
methods for determining separate losses large
machines from tests Supplement to
IEC 60034-2-1
CLC/TC 2023-02-10
prEN IEC 60034-2-1:2022 Rotating electrical machines Part 2-1: Standard
methods for determining losses and efficiency
from tests (excluding machines for traction
CLC/TC 2023-02-10
prEN IEC 62877-1:2022 Electrolyte and water for vented lead acid
accumulators Part requirements for electrolyte
CLC/TC 21X 2023-02-03
prEN IEC 63339:2022 Unified reference model for smart manufacturing CLC/TC 65X 2023-02-10
prEN IEC 60669-2-2:2022 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
installations Part 2-2: Particular requirements -
Electromagnetic remote-control switches (RCS)
CLC/TC 23BX 2023-02-17
prEN IEC 60669-2-3:2022 Switches for household and similar fixed electrical
installations Part 2-3: Particular requirements -
Time-delay switches (TDS)
CLC/TC 23BX 2023-02-17
prEN IEC 60512-99-003:2022 Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment -
Tests and measurements Part 99-003: Endurance
test schedules Test 99c: Test schedule for
balanced single-pair connectors unmating under
electrical load
CLC/SR 48B 2023-02-03
prEN IEC 61558-2-12:2022 Safety transformers, reactors, power supply
units and combination thereof Part 2-12:
Particular requirements and tests for constant
voltage transformers and power supply units for
constant voltage
CLC/SR 2023-02-17
prEN IEC 61558-2-10:2022 Safety transformers, reactors, power supply
units and combinations thereof Part 2-10:
Particular requirements and tests for separating
transformers with high insulation level and
separating transformers with output voltages
exceeding 000 V
CLC/SR 2023-02-17
prEN IEC 63458-1:2022 High Pressure Water Jet Machines Safety Part 1:
High Pressure Water Jet Unit
CLC/TC 2023-02-10
prEN IEC 63458-2:2022 High Pressure Water Jet Machines Safety Part 2:
High Pressure hoses, hose lines and connectors
CLC/TC 2023-02-10
prEN IEC 63458-3:2022 High Pressure Water Jet Machines Safety Part 3:
High Pressure Spraying Device
CLC/TC 2023-02-10
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
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