c and 500 d.c.c.c Equipment
for testing, measuring monitoring protective
measures Part 16: Equipment for testing the
effectiveness the protective measures electrical
equipment and/or medical electrical equipment
CLC/TC 85X 2022-08-26
prEN IEC 61439-5:2022 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies -
Part Assemblies for power distribution public
CLC/SR 121B 2022-09-02
prEN IEC 60068-3-1:2022 Environmental testing Part 3-1: Supporting
documentation and guidance Cold and dry heat
CLC/SR 104 2022-09-16
prEN IEC 60068-3-4:2022 Environmental testing Part 3-4: Supporting
documentation and guidance Damp heat tests
CLC/SR 104 2022-09-16
prEN IEC 60068-2-17:2022 Environmental testing Part 2-17: Tests Test Q:
CLC/SR 104 2022-09-16
prEN IEC 63281-0:2022 E-Transporters Terminology and classification CLC/SR 125 2022-08-26
EN 62620:2015/prA1:2022 Amendment Secondary cells and batteries
containing alkaline other non-acid electrolytes -
Secondary lithium cells and batteries for use in
industrial applications
CLC/TC 21X 2022-08-26
prEN IEC 61757-1-2:2022 Fibre Optic Sensors Part 1-2: Strain measurement -
Distributed sensing based Brillouin scattering
CLC/SR 86C 2022-09-16
prEN IEC 60068-2-14:2022 Environmental testing Part 2-14: Tests Test N:
Change temperature
CLC/SR 104 2022-09-16
prEN IEC 60966-3:2022 Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies -
Part Sectional specification for semi-flexible
coaxial cable assemblies
CLC/TC 46X 2022-08-26
prEN IEC 60966-3-1:2022 Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies -
Part 3-1: Blank detail specification for semi-flexible
coaxial cable assemblies
CLC/TC 46X 2022-08-26
prEN IEC 60966-4:2022 Radio frequency and coaxial cable assemblies -
Part Sectional specification for semi-rigid coaxial
cable assemblies
CLC/TC 46X 2022-08-26
. Equipment
for testing, measuring monitoring protective
measures Part Equipment for insulation fault
location systems
CLC/TC 85X 2022-08-26
prEN IEC 60793-1-44:2022 Optical fibres Part 1-44: Measurement methods
and test procedures Cut-off wavelength
CLC/TC 86A 2022-09-02
prEN IEC 61557-16:2022 Electrical safety low voltage distribution systems
up 000 a.c Equipment
for testing, measuring monitoring protective
measures Part 14: Equipment for testing the safety
of electrical equipment for machinery
CLC/TC 85X 2022-08-26
prEN IEC 61557-9:2022 Electrical safety low voltage distribution systems
up 000 a.c. and 500 d. and 500 d.Věstník 8/2022
prEN IEC 60728-113:2022 Cable networks for television signals, sound signals
and interactive services Part 113: Optical systems
for broadcast signal transmissions loaded with
digital channels only
CLC/TC 209 2022-09-02
prEN IEC 60335-1:2022 Household and similar electrical appliances -
Safety Part General requirements
CLC/TC 2022-09-16
prEN IEC 60335-1:2022/prAA:2022 Household and similar electrical appliances -
Safety Part General requirements
CLC/TC 2022-09-16
EN IEC 61557-7:2022/prA1:2022 Electrical safety low voltage distribution systems
up 000 and 500 Equipment
for testing, measuring monitoring protective
measures Part Phase sequence
CLC/TC 85X 2022-08-26
prEN IEC 61557-14:2022 Electrical safety low voltage distribution systems
up 000 a