Věstník 7/2022
prEN 17549-1 Building information modelling Information
structure based ISO 16739 exchange
data templates and data sheets for construction
objects Part Data templates and configured
construction objects
CEN/TC 442 2022-08-04
prEN ISO 7218 Microbiology the food chain General
requirements and guidance for microbiological
examinations (ISO/DIS 7218:2022)
CEN/TC 463 2022-08-01
prEN 3841-100 Aerospace series Circuit breakers Test methods -
Part 100: General
ASD-STAN 2022-08-04
prEN 2591-100 Aerospace series Elements electrical and
optical connection Test methods Part 100:
ASD-STAN 2022-08-04
prEN 3745-801 Aerospace series Fibres and cables, optical,
aircraft use Test methods -Part 801: Fibre
movement under compression
ASD-STAN 2022-08-04
prEN 2943 Aerospace series Inserts, and screw
threads, helical coil Technical specification
ASD-STAN 2022-08-04
prEN ISO 4491-2 Metallic powders Determination oxygen
content reduction methods Part Loss
of mass hydrogen reduction (hydrogen loss)
(ISO/DIS 4491-2:20022)
CEN/SS M11 2022-08-15
prEN ISO 11210 Jewellery and precious metals Determination
of platinum platinum alloys Gravimetric
determination after precipitation using ammonium
chloride (ISO/DIS 11210:2022)
CEN/SS M21 2022-08-17
prEN ISO 11490 Jewellery and precious metals Determination
of palladium palladium alloys Gravimetric
determination after precipitation using
dimethylglyoxime (ISO/DIS 11490:2022)
CEN/SS M21 2022-08-17
prEN ISO/IEC 24760-3 Information technology Security techniques -
A framework for identity management Part 3:
Practice (ISO/IEC 24760-3:2016)
CEN/CLC/JTC 2022-08-04
prEN ISO/IEC 24760-2 Information technology Security techniques -
A framework for identity management Part 2:
Reference architecture and requirements
(ISO/IEC 24760-2:2015)
CEN/CLC/JTC 2022-08-04
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