ČAS - Věstník 2022-6

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Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 6/2022 48 prEN 17840 Performance and condition assessment for buildings and civil engineering works Framework for assessment within physical asset management CEN/TC 319 2022-07-21 prEN 17837 Postal Services Parcel Delivery Environmental Footprint Methodology for calculation and declaration of GHG emissions and air pollutants parcel logistics delivery services CEN/TC 331 2022-07-14 prEN 14534 Postal services Quality service Measurement of the transit time end-to-end services for bulk mail CEN/TC 331 2022-07-21 prEN ISO 17225-8 Solid biofuels Fuel specifications and classes Part 8: Graded thermally treated and densified biomass fuels for commercial and industrial use (ISO/DIS 17225-8:2022) CEN/TC 335 2022-07-14 prEN ISO 22476-5 Geotechnical investigation and testing Field testing - Part Prebored pressuremeter test (ISO/DIS 22476-5:2022) CEN/TC 341 2022-07-04 prEN ISO 22477-2 Geotechnical investigation and testing Testing of geotechnical structures Part Testing piles: static tension load testing (ISO/DIS 22477-2:2022) CEN/TC 341 2022-07-05 prEN 14585-1 rev Corrugated metal hose assemblies for pressure applications CEN/TC 342 2022-07-14 prEN ISO 56007 Innovation management Tools and methods for idea management Guidance (ISO/DIS 56007:2022) CEN/TC 389 2022-07-01 prEN 4703 Aerospace series Test specification for verification of the permeability electrical insulation ASD-STAN 2022-07-21 prEN 3745-306 Aerospace series Fibres and cables, optical, aircraft use Test methods Part 306: Variation attenuation during temperature cycling ASD-STAN 2022-07-21 prEN 3628 Aerospace series Lockwire, drawn Corrosion resisting steel ASD-STAN 2022-07-21 prEN 2997-004 Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled threaded ring, fire-resistant non fire- resistant, operating temperatures 175 °C continuous, 200 continuous, 260 peak Part 004: Jam-nut mounted receptacle Product standard ASD-STAN 2022-07-21 prEN 2997-006 Aerospace series Connectors, electrical, circular, coupled threaded ring, fire-resistant non fire- resistant, operating temperatures 175 °C continuous, 200 continuous, 260 peak - Part 006: Hermetic jam-nut mounted receptacle - Product standard ASD-STAN 2022-07-21 prEN 2591-508 Aerospace series Elements electrical and optical connection Part 508: Measurement thickness of coating contacts Test methods ASD-STAN 2022-07-21 prEN 2591-509 Aerospace series Elements electrical and optical connection Part 509: Adhesion coating on contacts Test methods ASD-STAN 2022-07-21 prEN 9116 Aerospace Series Supplier Notice Change (NOC) ASD-STAN 2022-07-07 prEN ISO 8586 Sensory analysis General guidelines for the selection, training and monitoring selected assessors and expert sensory assessors (ISO/DIS 8586:2022) CEN/SS C01 2022-07-08 prEN ISO 128-3 Technical product documentation (TPD) General principles representation Part Views, sections and cuts (ISO/FDIS 128-3:2022) CEN/SS F01 2022-07-12 prEN ISO 3252 Powder metallurgy Vocabulary (ISO/DIS 3252:2022) CEN/SS M11 2022-07-12 EN 10225-3:2019/prA1 Weldable structural steels for fixed offshore structures Technical delivery conditions Part Hot finished hollow sections CEN/TC 459/SC 2022-06-30