Věstník 6/2022
prEN 17839 Glass building Glazing and airborne sound
insulation Validation procedure for calculation tools
CEN/TC 129 2022-07-14
prEN ISO 20957-2 Stationary training equipment Part Strength training
equipment, additional specific safety requirements and
test methods (ISO/DIS 20957-2:2022)
CEN/TC 136 2022-07-06
prEN ISO 20957-7 Stationary training equipment Part Rowing
equipment, additional specific safety requirements and
test methods (ISO/DIS 20957-7:2022)
CEN/TC 136 2022-07-06
prEN ISO/CIE/DIS 11664-6 Colorimetry Part CIEDE2000 Colour-difference
formula (ISO/CIE FDIS- 11664-6:2022)
CEN/TC 139 2022-07-12
prEN ISO 2811-1 Paints and varnishes Determination density -
Part Pycnometer method (ISO/DIS 2811-1:2022)
CEN/TC 139 2022-07-08
prEN ISO 1518-1 Paints and varnishes Determination scratch
resistance Part Constant-loading method
(ISO/DIS 1518-1:2022)
CEN/TC 139 2022-07-22
prEN ISO 7784-1 Paints and varnishes Determination resistance to
abrasion Part Method with abrasive-paper covered
wheels and rotating test specimen
(ISO/DIS 7784-1:2022)
CEN/TC 139 2022-07-22
prEN ISO 7784-2 Paints and varnishes Determination resistance to
abrasion Part Method with abrasive rubber wheels
and rotating test specimen (ISO/DIS 7784-2:2022)
CEN/TC 139 2022-07-22
prEN ISO 4254-19 Agricultural machinery Safety Part 19: Feed mixing
machines (ISO/DIS 4254-19:2022)
CEN/TC 144 2022-07-06
prEN ISO 23582-1 Plastics and rubber machines Clamping systems -
Part Safety requirements for magnetic clamping
systems (ISO/DIS 23582-1:2022)
CEN/TC 145 2022-07-06
prEN 805 Water supply Requirements for systems and
components outside buildings
CEN/TC 164 2022-07-21
prEN 17841 Chemicals used for treatment water intended for
human consumption Antifouling for membranes -
Sulfamic acid
CEN/TC 164 2022-07-07
prEN 17818 Devices for in-situ generation biocides Active
chlorine generated from sodium chloride electrolysis
CEN/TC 164 2022-06-30
prEN 16194 Mobile non-sewer-connected toilet cabins -
Requirements services and products relating the
deployment cabins and sanitary products
CEN/TC 183 2022-07-14
prEN ISO 4032 Fasteners Hexagon regular nuts (style 1)
(ISO/DIS 4032:2022)
CEN/TC 185 2022-07-13
prEN ISO 4033 Fasteners Hexagon high nuts (style 2)
(ISO/DIS 4033:2022)
CEN/TC 185 2022-07-13
prEN ISO 4035 Fasteners Hexagon thin nuts (style 0)
(ISO/DIS 4035:2022)
CEN/TC 185 2022-07-13
prEN ISO 8673 Fasteners Hexagon regular nuts (style 1), with fine
pitch thread (ISO/DIS 8673:2022)
CEN/TC 185 2022-07-13
prEN ISO 8674 Fasteners Hexagon high nuts (style 2), with fine pitch
thread (ISO/DIS 8674:2022)
CEN/TC 185 2022-07-13
prEN ISO 8675 Fasteners Hexagon thin nuts (style 0), with fine pitch
thread (ISO/DIS 8675:2022)
CEN/TC 185 2022-07-20
prEN ISO 283 Textile conveyor belts Full thickness tensile strength,
elongation break and elongation the reference load -
Test method (ISO/DIS 283:2022)
CEN/TC 188 2022-07-15
prEN 14972-7 Fixed firefighting systems Water mist systems Part 7:
Test protocol for commercial low hazard occupancies
for automatic nozzle systems
CEN/TC 191 2022-07-14