Certification Body
(System 1)
EN 40-4:2005
EN 40-4:2005/AC:2006
EN 40-5:2002
EN 40-6:2002
97/555/EC Cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders -
Hydraulic road binders (preparation concrete, mortar, grout
and other mixes for road bases stabilisation). Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 13454-1:2004
EN 13813:2002
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (1/4) Structural
metallic sections/profiles: hot rolled, cold formed otherwise
produced sections/profiles with various shapes (T, Z,
I, channels, angle, hollow, tubes), flat products (plate, sheet,
strip), bars, castings, forgings made various metallic
materials, unprotected protected against corrosion by
coating (to used metal structures composite metal
and concrete structures).Věstník 5/2022
tasks performed the body :
last approval date 13/03/2022
decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification
96/579/EC Circulation fixtures (1/2) Road lighting columns (for
circulation areas).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EN 459-1:2010
97/740/EC Masonry and related products (1/3) Masonry units category
I (in walls, columns and partitions).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EN 13282-1:2013
EN 15368:2008+A1:2010
97/555/EC Cements, building limes and other hydraulic binders -
Building limes, including:<BR>-Calcium limes,<BR>-Dolomitic
limes,<BR>-Hydraulic limes (preparation concrete, mortar,
grout and other mixes for construction and for the
manufacture construction products).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EN 771-1:2011
EN 771-1:2011+A1:2015
EN 771-2:2011
EN 771-2:2011+A1:2015
EN 771-3:2011
EN 771-3:2011+A1:2015
EN 771-4:2011
EN 771-4:2011+A1:2015
EN 771-5:2011
EN 771-5:2011+A1:2015
EN 771-6:2011
EN 771-6:2011+A1:2015
97/740/EC Masonry and related products (1/3) Factory-made,
designed masonry mortars (in walls, columns and partitions).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EN 998-2:2010
EN 998-2:2016
97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Rigid flooring products<BR>(a)
Components: paving units, tiles, mosaics, parquet, decking of
mesh sheet, floor gratings, rigid laminated floorings, wood
based products (for internal uses including enclosed public
transport premises).
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 12057:2004
EN 12058:2004
EN 14411:2012
97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Floor screed materials (for internal uses).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EN 10025-1:2004
EN 10088-4:2009
EN 10088-5:2009
EN 10210-1:2006
EN 10219-1:2006
EN 10340:2007
EN 10340:2007/AC:2008
EN 10343:2009
EN 15048-1:2007
EN 15088:2005
98/214/EC Structural metallic products and ancillaries (2/4) Structural
metallic construction members: finished metallic products
such trusses, girders, columns, stairs, ground piles,
bearing piles and sheet piling, cut size sections designed
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EN 1090-1:2009+A1:2011