Věstník 5/2022
prEN ISO 12872 Olive oils and olive-pomace oils Determination the
2-glyceryl monopalmitate content (ISO/DIS 12872:2022)
CEN/TC 307 2022-06-08
prEN ISO 734 Oilseed meals Determination oil content Extraction
method with hexane (or light petroleum)
(ISO/DIS 734:2022)
CEN/TC 307 2022-06-08
prEN ISO 20535 Footwear Test method for insoles and insocks -
Dimensional change after cycle wetting and drying
(ISO 20535:2019)
CEN/TC 309 2022-06-16
prEN ISO 2613-1 Analysis natural gas Silicon content biomethane -
Part Determination total silicon content AES
(ISO/DIS 2613-1:2022)
CEN/TC 408 2022-06-14
prEN ISO 19443 Quality management systems Specific requirements
for the application ISO 9001:2015 organizations
in the supply chain the nuclear energy sector supplying
products and services important nuclear safety
(ITNS) (ISO 19443:2018)
CEN/TC 430 2022-06-23
prEN ISO 20031 Radiological protection Monitoring and dosimetry
for internal exposures due wound contamination with
radionuclides (ISO 20031:2020)
CEN/TC 430 2022-06-23
prEN ISO 16638-2 Radiological protection Monitoring and internal
dosimetry for specific materials Part Ingestion
of uranium compounds (ISO 16638-2:2019)
CEN/TC 430 2022-06-23
EN ISO 11591:2020/prA1 Small craft Field vision from the steering position -
Amendment (ISO 11591:2020/DAM 1:2022)
CEN/TC 464 2022-06-10
prEN 4892 Aerospace series Bolt, External Spiral Drive, flange head,
tension and shear application
ASD-STAN 2022-06-23
prEN 9104-001 Aerospace series Quality management systems -
Part 001: Requirements for Certification Aviation, Space,
and Defense Quality Management Systems
ASD-STAN 2022-06-23
prEN ISO 14020 Environmental statements and programmes for products -
Principles and general requirements (ISO/DIS 14020:2022)
CEN/SS S26 2022-06-20
prEN ISO 14002-2 Environmental management systems Guidelines for using
ISO 14001 address environmental aspects and conditions
within environmental topic area Part Water
(ISO/DIS 14002-2:2022)
CEN/SS S26 2022-06-15
prEN 10305-3 Steel tubes for precision applications Technical delivery
conditions Part Welded cold sized tubes
CEN/TC 459/SC 2022-06-23
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
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