FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 260017-00-0301
EAD 260026-00-0301
EN 1504-2:2004
EN 1504-3:2005
EN 1504-4:2004
EN 1504-5:2004
EN 1504-6:2006
EN 1504-7:2006
99/469/EC Products related concrete, mortar and grout (1/2) -
Additions (Type II) (for concrete, mortar and grout).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EN 14889-1:2006
EN 14889-2:2006
99/469/EC Products related concrete, mortar and grout (1/2) -
Additions (type (for concrete, mortar and grout).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 260026-00-0301
99/469/EC Products related concrete, mortar and grout (1/2) -
Admixtures (for concrete, mortar and grout).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EAD 350402-00-1106
99/454/EC Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products (2/2) -
Fire stopping and fire sealing products Penetration seals (for
uses subject reaction fire regulations).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EAD 350142-00-1106
99/454/EC Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products (2/2) -
Reactive coatings for fire protection steel elements (for
uses subject reaction fire regulations).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EAD 350454-00-1104
99/455/EC Timber frame and log prefabricated building kits (1/1) -
Timber frame and log prefabricated building kits (as defined
in Annex (in building works).Věstník 2/2022
decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification
reaction fire regulations), Fire protective products
(including coatings) (for uses subject reaction fire
Certification Body
(System 1)
EAD 340308-00-0203
99/469/EC Products related concrete, mortar and grout (1/2) -
Concrete protection and repair products (for other uses in
buildings and civil engineering works).
(System 1)
99/454/EC Fire stopping, fire sealing and fire protective products (2/2) -
Fire protective board, slab and mat products and kits (for
uses subject reaction fire regulations).
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 12004:2007+A1:2012
99/470/EC Construction adhesives (1/2) Structural adhesives (for FPC Certification 15274:2007
25 27
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 1504-2:2004
EN 1504-3:2005
EN 1504-4:2004
EN 1504-6:2006
99/470/EC Construction adhesives (1/2) Adhesives for tiles (for
internal and external uses buildings and other civil
engineering works).
Certification Body
(System 1)
EN 1504-2:2004
EN 1504-3:2005
EN 1504-4:2004
EN 1504-6:2006
99/469/EC Products related concrete, mortar and grout (2/2) -
Concrete protection and repair products (for uses subject to
reaction fire regulations).
Testing Laboratory
(System 3)
EN 14889-1:2006
EN 14889-2:2006
99/469/EC Products related concrete, mortar and grout (1/2) Fibres
(for structural uses concrete, mortar and grout).
FPC Certification
Body (System 2+)
EAD 260026-00-0301
EN 934-2:2009+A1:2012
EN 934-3:2009+A1:2012
EN 934-4:2009
EN 934-5:2007
99/469/EC Products related concrete, mortar and grout (2/2) -
Concrete protection and repair products (for uses subject to
reaction fire regulations).
Certification Body
(System 1+)
EAD 260020-00-0301
EN 15167-1:2006
EN 450-1:2012
99/469/EC Products related concrete, mortar and grout (1/2) Fibres
(for other uses concrete, mortar and grout)