ČAS - Věstník 2021-9

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Product Certification Body (System 1) EAD 130022-00-0304 EN 14080:2013 EN 15497:2014 97/176/EC Structural timber products (2/3) Structural glued laminated products and other glued timber products: Kits (trusses, floors, walls, roofs, frames) (for bridges and buildings). FPC Certification Body (System 2+) EN 13986:2004+A1:2015 97/462/EC Wood-based panels (2/2) Unfaced, overlaid and veneered or coated wood-based panels (for non structural elements in internal external applications).Věstník 9/2021 58 tasks performed the body : last approval date 13/08/2021 decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification 97/176/EC Structural timber products (1/3) Solid structural timber products: Elements (bridge elements, truss elements, sleepers, floor elements, wall elements, roof elements such as beams, arches, joists, rafters, columns, poles, piles) (bridges, railtracks and buildings). Product Certification Body (System 1) EAD 130005-00-0304 97/176/EC Structural timber products (1/3) Solid structural timber products: Elements (bridge elements, truss elements, sleepers, floor elements, wall elements, roof elements such as beams, arches, joists, rafters, columns, poles, piles) (bridges, railtracks and buildings). Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 13986:2004+A1:2015 97/462/EC Wood-based panels (1/2) Unfaced overlaid and veneered or coated wood-based panels (for structural elements in internal external applications). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 14342:2013 97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Resilient and textile floorings - homogeneous and heterogeneous resilient floor coverings supplied either tile, sheet roll form (textile floor covering including tiles; plastic and rubber sheets (aminoplastic thermosetting floorings); linoleum and cork; anti-static sheet; floor loose laid tiles; resilient laminated floorings) (for internal uses). FPC Certification Body (System 2+) EAD 130022-00-0304 97/176/EC Structural timber products (2/3) Structural glued laminated products and other glued timber products: Elements (bridge elements, truss elements, floor elements, wall elements, roof elements such beams, arches, joists, rafters, columns, poles, piles) (for bridges and buildings). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 14041:2004 EN 14041:2004/AC:2006 97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Rigid flooring products<BR>(a) Components: paving units, tiles, mosaics, parquet, decking of mesh sheet, floor gratings, rigid laminated floorings, wood based products (for internal uses including enclosed public transport premises). Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 14080:2013 97/462/EC Wood-based panels (1/2) Unfaced overlaid and veneered or coated wood-based panels (for structural elements in internal external application). Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 13986:2004+A1:2015 97/462/EC Wood-based panels (2/2) Unfaced, overlaid and veneered or coated wood-based panels (for non structural elements in internal external applications). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 13986:2004+A1:2015 97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Rigid flooring products<BR>(a) Components: paving units, tiles, mosaics, parquet, decking of mesh sheet, floor gratings, rigid laminated floorings, wood based products (for internal uses including enclosed public transport premises). Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 14041:2004 EN 14041:2004/AC:2006 97/808/EC Floorings (2/2) Resilient and textile floorings - homogeneous and heterogeneous resilient floor coverings supplied either tile, sheet roll form (textile floor covering including tiles; plastic and rubber sheets (aminoplastic thermosetting floorings); linoleum and cork; anti-static sheet; floor loose laid tiles; resilient laminated floorings) (for internal uses). FPC Certification Body (System 2+) EN 14081-1:2005+A1:2011 EN 14229:2010 EN 14250:2010 97/176/EC Structural timber products (1/3) Solid structural timber products: Elements (bridge elements, truss elements, sleepers, floor elements, wall elements, roof elements such as beams, arches, joists, rafters, columns, poles, piles) (bridges, railtracks and buildings). Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 14342:2013 2