Věstník 3/2021
prEN IEC 61970-456:2021 Energy management system application program
interface (EMS-API) Part 456: Solved power system
state profiles
CLC/TC 2021-04-09
EN 60143-2:2013/prA1:2021 Series capacitors for power systems Part Protective
equipment for series capacitor banks
CLC/SR 2021-04-16
EN 62841-3-6:2014/prA1:2021 Amendment Electric motor-operated hand-
held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden
machinery Safety Part 3-6: Particular requirements
for transportable diamond drills with liquid system
CLC/TC 116 2021-04-16
EN 62841-3-12:2019/prA1:2021 Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable
tools and lawn and garden machinery Safety -
Part 3-12: Particular requirements for transportable
threading machines
CLC/TC 116 2021-04-16
EN 62841-3-10:2015/prA1:2021 Amendment Electric motor-operated hand-
held tools, transportable tools and lawn and garden
machinery Safety Part 3-10: Particular requirements
for transportable cut-off machines
CLC/TC 116 2021-04-16
prEN IEC 62841-3-5:2021/prAA Electric motor-operated hand=held tools, transportable
tools and lawn and garden machinery Safety Part 3-5:
Particular requirements for transportable band saws
CLC/TC 116 2021-04-23
prEN IEC 60688:2021 Electrical measuring transducers for converting and
DC electrical quantities analogue digital signals
CLC/TC 85X 2021-04-23
EN 62841-3-6:2014/prAB Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable
tools and lawn and garden machinery Safety Part 3-6:
Particular requirements for transportable diamond drills
with liquid system
CLC/TC 116 2021-04-16
EN 62841-3-10:2015/prAB Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable
tools and lawn and garden machinery Safety -
Part 3-10: Particular requirements for transportable
cut-off machines
CLC/TC 116 2021-04-16
EN 62841-3-12:2019/prAA Electric motor-operated hand-held tools, transportable
tools and lawn and garden machinery Safety -
Part 3-12: Particular requirements for transportable
threading machines
CLC/TC 116 2021-04-16
Česká agentura pro standardizaci
ředitelka Odboru standardizace
Zdeňka Slaná r.