ČAS - Věstník 2021-12

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

Strana 45 z 68

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Poznámky redaktora
45 Věstník 12/2021 prEN IEC 60794-1-310:2021 Optical fibre cables Basic optical cable test procedures Part 310: Cable element test methods - Strippability, Methods G10 CLC/TC 86A 2022-01-14 prEN IEC 63093-10:2021 Ferrite cores Guidelines dimensions and the limits surface irregularities Part 10: PM-cores and associated parts CLC/SR 2022-01-07 EN 62751-1:2014/prA2:2021 Amendment Power losses voltage sourced converter (VSC) valves for high-voltage direct current (HVDC) systems Part General requirements CLC/TC 22X 2021-12-24 EN IEC 60730-2-14:2019/prA1 Automatic electrical controls Part 2-14: Particular requirements for electric actuators CLC/TC 2021-12-31 prEN IEC 61558-2-2:2021 Safety transformers, reactors, power supply units and combinations thereof Part 2-2: Particular requirements and tests for control transformers and power supply units incorporating control transformers CLC/SR 2021-12-24 EN IEC 62271-102:2018/prA1:2021 Amendment High-voltage switchgear and controlgear Part 102: Alternating current disconnectors and earthing switches CLC/TC 17AC 2021-12-24 prEN IEC 63171-5:2021 Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment - Part Detail specification for 2-way and M12 circular connectors, shielded unshielded, free and fixed Mechanical mating information, pin assignment and additional requirements for Type 5 CLC/SR 48B 2022-01-07 Česká agentura pro standardizaci ředitelka Odboru standardizace Zdeňka Slaná r.