Věstník 11/2021
Notification Body the framework technical
harmonization directive
From Czech Office for Standards,
Metrology and Testing
Biskupský dvur 1148/5
110 Praha 1
Czech Republic
To European Commission
GROWTH Directorate-General
200 Rue Loi,
B-1049 Brussels.
Other Member States
Reference Legislation 2014/68/EU Pressure equipment
Body name, address, telephone, fax, email, website :
United Registrar Systems Czech s.cz
Body 2912
The body formally accredited against :
EN ISO/IEC 17020 Inspection
EN ISO/IEC 17065 Product certification
Name National Accreditation Body (NAB) CAI (Czech Accreditation Institute)
The accreditation covers the product categories and conformity assessment procedures concerned this
notification Yes
Rybná 678/9
Czech Republic
Phone +420 266 778 892
Fax :
Email info@urs-czech.r.cz
Website www