.Věstník 1/2021
EN ISO 19111:2020/prA1
Geographic information Referencing coordinates -
Amendment (ISO/DAM 19111:2020) CEN/TC 287 2021-02-08
prEN ISO 19363
Electrically propelled road vehicles Magnetic field
wireless power transfer Safety and interoperability
requirements (ISO 19363:2020) CEN/TC 301 2021-01-28
prEN 17624
Determination explosion limits gases and vapours at
elevated pressures, elevated temperatures with oxidizers
other than air CEN/TC 305 2021-02-11
prEN 17616 Outdoor candles Specification for fire safety CEN/TC 369 2021-01-28
prEN 17617 Outdoor candles Product safety labels CEN/TC 369 2021-01-28
prEN ISO 27048
Radiation protection Dose assessment for the monitoring
of workers for internal radiation exposure
(ISO 27048:2011) CEN/TC 430 2021-01-28
prEN ISO/ASTM 52903-1
Additive manufacturing Material extrusion-based
additive manufacturing plastic materials Part 1:
Feedstock materials (ISO/ASTM 52903-1:2020) CEN/TC 438 2021-01-28
prEN 15602 Security service providers Terminology CEN/TC 439 2021-02-18
prEN ISO 24032
Soil quality situ caging snails assess
bioaccumulation contaminants (ISO/DIS 24032:2020) CEN/TC 444 2021-02-10
prEN ISO 12217-1
Small craft Stability and buoyancy assessment and
categorization Part Non-sailing boats hull length
greater than equal (ISO/DIS 12217-1:2020) CEN/TC 464 2021-02-12
prEN ISO 12217-2
Small craft Stability and buoyancy assessment and
categorization Part -Sailing boats hull length greater
than equal (ISO/DIS 12217-2:2020) CEN/TC 464 2021-02-12
prEN ISO 12217-3
Small craft Stability and buoyancy assessment and
categorization Part Boats hull length less
than (ISO/DIS 12217-3:2020) CEN/TC 464 2021-02-12
prEN 6052
Aerospace series Rivet-collar-system, aluminium alloy,
shear type, inch series Technical Specification ASD-STAN 2021-02-18
prEN ISO 6410-3
Technical drawings Screw threads and threaded parts -
Part Simplified representation (ISO/DIS 6410-3:2020) CEN/SS F01 2021-02-10
prEN ISO 14031
Environmental management Environmental performance
evaluation Guidelines (ISO/FDIS 14031:2020) CEN/SS S26 2021-02-16
prEN 10250-2
Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes -
Part Non-alloy quality and special steels CEN/TC 459/SC 2021-01-28
prEN 10250-3
Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes -
Part Alloy special steels CEN/TC 459/SC 2021-01-28
prEN 10250-1
Open die steel forgings for general engineering purposes -
Part General requirements CEN/TC 459/SC 2021-01-28
prEN 16604-30-01
Space Space Situational Awareness Monitoring Part 01:
Glossary Near Earth objects and space surveillance and
tracking terms CEN/CLC/JTC 2021-02-04
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