ČAS - Věstník 2020-9

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
.Věstník 9/2020 43 prEN ISO 13590 Small craft Personal watercraft Construction and system installation requirements (ISO/DIS 13590:2020) CEN/TC 464 2020-10-21 prEN ISO 8666 Small craft Principal data (ISO/DIS 8666:2020) CEN/TC 464 2020-10-02 prEN 9721 Aerospace series General recommendation for the BIT Architecture integrated system ASD-STAN 2020-10-01 prEN 4035 Aerospace series Rod end, adjustable, with self-aligning double row ball bearing, corrosion resisting steel, reduced internal radial clearance and threaded shank titanium alloy Dimensions and loads ASD-STAN 2020-10-08 prEN 4036 Aerospace series Rod end, adjustable, with self-aligning double row ball bearing and threaded shank, corrosion resisting steel, reduced internal radial clearance Dimensions and loads ASD-STAN 2020-10-01 prEN 2535 Aerospace series Vacuum deposition cadmium ASD-STAN 2020-10-22 prEN 2516 Aerospace series Passivation corrosion resisting steels and decontamination nickel base alloys ASD-STAN 2020-10-22 prEN 9215 Programme Management Definition Justification and Qualification guide drawing the definition justification plan and the definition justification dossier ASD-STAN 2020-10-01 prEN 4900 Aerospace series Aluminium alloy 5086 H111 - Extruded bars 300 mm ASD-STAN 2020-10-22 prEN ISO 6927 Buildings and civil engineering works Sealants - Vocabulary (ISO/DIS 6927:2020) CEN/SS B02 2020-10-07 prEN ISO 9046 Buildings and civil engineering works Sealants - Determination adhesion/cohesion properties at constant temperature (ISO/DIS 9046:2020) CEN/SS B02 2020-10-08 prEN ISO 9235 Aromatic natural raw materials Vocabulary (ISO/DIS 9235:2020) CEN/SS C01 2020-10-21 prEN 10132 Cold rolled narrow steel strip for heat treatment - Technical delivery conditions CEN/TC 459/SC 2020-10-22 prEN ISO/IEC 27006 Information technology Security techniques - Requirements for bodies providing audit and certification information security management systems (ISO/IEC 27006:2015, including Amd 1:2020) CEN/CLC/JTC 2020-10-15 Česká agentura pro standardizaci ředitelka Odboru standardizace Zdeňka Slaná r