.Věstník 5/2020
prEN ISO 21640
Solid recovered fuels Specifications and classes
(ISO/DIS 21640:2020) CEN/TC 343 2020-06-10
prEN 16981 Photocatalysis Glossary terms CEN/TC 386 2020-06-18
prEN 16980-1
Photocatalysis Continuous flow test methods -
Part Determination the degradation nitric
oxide (NO) the air photocatalytic materials CEN/TC 386 2020-06-11
prEN ISO 22300
Security and resilience Vocabulary
(ISO/DIS 22300:2020) CEN/TC 391 2020-06-09
prEN ISO 12404
Soil quality Guidance the selection and
application screening methods
(ISO/DIS 12404:2020) CEN/TC 444 2020-06-04
prEN 15935
Sludge, treated biowaste, soil and waste -
Determination loss ignition CEN/TC 444 2020-06-18
prEN 14735
Characterization waste Preparation waste
samples for ecotoxicity tests CEN/TC 444 2020-06-11
prEN 17480
Algae and algae products Methods for the
determination productivity algae growth sites CEN/TC 454 2020-06-11
prEN ISO 6888-2
Microbiology the food chain Horizontal
method for the enumeration coagulase-positive
staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other
species) Part Technique using rabbit plasma
fibrinogen agar medium (ISO/DIS 6888-2:2020) CEN/TC 463 2020-06-01
prEN ISO 6888-1
Microbiology the food chain Horizontal
method for the enumeration coagulase-positive
staphylococci (Staphylococcus aureus and other
species) Part Technique using Baird-Parker agar
medium (ISO/DIS 6888-1:2020) CEN/TC 463 2020-06-01
prEN ISO 4120
Sensory analysis Methodology Triangle test
(ISO/DIS 4120:2020) CEN/SS C01 2020-06-15
prEN ISO 14008
Monetary valuation environmental impacts and
related environmental aspects (ISO 14008:2019) CEN/SS S26 2020-06-11
prEN ISO 14007
Environmental management Guidelines for
determining environmental costs and benefits
(ISO 14007:2019) CEN/SS S26 2020-06-11
prEN ISO 7840
Small craft Fire-resistant fuel hoses
(ISO/DIS 7840:2020) CEN/SS T01 2020-06-02
prEN ISO 15349-2
Unalloyed steel Determination low carbon
content Part Infrared absorption method after
combustion induction furnace (with preheating)
(ISO/DIS 15349-2:2020) CEN/TC 459/SC 2020-06-15
prEN ISO 6931-1
Stainless steels for springs Part Wire
(ISO 6931-1:2016) CEN/TC 459/SC 2020-06-18
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