Věstník 12/2020
prEN 14885
Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics Application of
European Standards for chemical disinfectants and antiseptics CEN/TC 216 2021-01-07
prEN ISO 24656
Cathodic protection offshore wind structures
(ISO/DIS 24656:2020) CEN/TC 219 2021-01-11
EN 12929-1:2015/prA1
Safety requirements for cableway installations designed carry
persons General requirements Part Requirements for all
installations CEN/TC 242 2021-01-07
EN 13223:2015/prA1
Safety requirements for cableway installations designed carry
persons Drive systems and other technical requirements CEN/TC 242 2021-01-07
prEN ISO 13972
Health informatics Clinical information models Characteristics,
structures and requirements (ISO/DIS 13972:2020) CEN/TC 251 2020-12-25
prEN 15427-1-1
Railway applications Wheel/Rail friction management -
Part 1-1: Equipment and Application Flange Lubricants CEN/TC 256 2020-12-24
prEN 15427-2-1
Railway applications Wheel/Rail friction management -
Part 2-1: Properties and Characteristics Flange lubricants CEN/TC 256 2020-12-24
prEN 15085-5
Railway applications Welding railway vehicles and
components Part Inspection, testing and documentation CEN/TC 256 2021-01-14
prEN 14067-5
Railway applications Aerodynamics Part Requirements
and assessment procedures for aerodynamics tunnels CEN/TC 256 2021-01-21
prEN 14854
Glass packaging Dimensions neck finishes for aerosol and
spray glass containers CEN/TC 261 2021-01-07
prEN ISO 4524-3
Metallic coatings Test methods for electrodeposited gold and
gold alloy coatings -Part Electrographic tests for porosity
(ISO/DIS 4524-3:2020) CEN/TC 262 2020-12-29
prEN 17124
Hydrogen fuel Product specification and quality assurance -
Proton exchange membrane (PEM) fuel cell applications for
road vehicles CEN/TC 268 2021-01-07
prEN ISO 12855
Electronic fee collection Information exchange between
service provision and toll charging (ISO/DIS 12855:2020) CEN/TC 278 2021-01-13
prEN 16062
Intelligent transport systems ESafety eCall high level
application requirements (HLAP) using GSM/UMTS circuit
switched networks (2020) CEN/TC 278 2021-01-14
prEN 16072
Intelligent transport systems ESafety Pan-European eCall
operating requirements CEN/TC 278 2021-01-21
prEN 14427
LPG equipment and accessories Transportable refillable
composite cylinders for LPG Design and construction CEN/TC 286 2021-01-14
prEN 17613
LPG equipment and accessories Composite piping for use with
LPG liquid phase and vapour pressure phase Design and
manufacture CEN/TC 286 2021-01-14
prEN ISO 25178-700
Geometrical product specifications (GPS) Surface texture:
Areal Part 700: Calibration, adjustment and verification areal
topography measuring instruments (ISO/DIS 25178-700:2020) CEN/TC 290 2021-01-18
prEN ISO 772 Hydrometry Vocabulary and symbols (ISO/DIS 772:2020) CEN/TC 318 2021-01-05
prEN 15942
Sustainability construction works Environmental product
declarations Communication format business-to-business CEN/TC 350 2021-01-14
prEN 17605
Algae, algae products and intermediates Methods sampling
and analysis Sample treatment CEN/TC 454 2021-01-14
prEN ISO 21487
Small craft Permanently installed petrol and diesel fuel tanks
(ISO/DIS 21487:2020) CEN/TC 464 2020-12-28
prEN 4827
Aerospace series Hexavalent chromium free anodizing of
aluminium and aluminium alloys ASD-STAN 2020-12-31
prEN ISO 22259 Conference systems Equipment Requirements (ISO 22259:2019) CEN/SS A07 2021-01-07
prEN 16603-50 Space engineering Communications CEN/CLC/JTC 2021-01-21
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Věstník 12-20.indb 11/16/2020 10:10:42 PM