Věstník 10/2020
prEN ISO 22553-5
Paints and varnishes Electro-deposition coatings Part 5:
Determination sieve residue (ISO 22553-5:2019) CEN/TC 139 2020-10-29
prEN ISO 22553-2
Paints and varnishes Electro-deposition coatings Part 2:
Throwing power (ISO 22553-2:2019) CEN/TC 139 2020-10-29
prEN ISO 22970
Paints and varnishes Test method for evaluation of
adhesion elastic adhesives coatings peel test,
peel strength test and tensile lap-shear strength test with
additional stress condensation test cataplasm storage
(ISO 22970:2019) CEN/TC 139 2020-10-29
prEN ISO 23168
Paints and varnishes Determination water content -
Gas-chromatographic method CEN/TC 139 2020-10-29
prEN ISO 22553-1
Paints and varnishes Electro-deposition coatings Part 1:
Vocabulary (ISO 22553-1:2019) CEN/TC 139 2020-10-29
prEN ISO 22557
Paints and varnishes Scratch test using spring-loaded
pen (ISO 22557:2019) CEN/TC 139 2020-10-29
prEN ISO 22516
Paints and varnishes Practical determination non-
volatile and volatile matter content during application
(ISO 22516:2019) CEN/TC 139 2020-10-29
prEN ISO 20184-3
Molecular vitro diagnostic examinations Specifications
for pre-examination processes for frozen tissue Part 3:
Isolated DNA (ISO/DIS 20184-3:2020) CEN/TC 140 2020-10-26
prEN ISO 22867
Forestry and gardening machinery Vibration test code
for portable hand-held machines with internal combustion
engine Vibration the handles (ISO/DIS 22867:2020) CEN/TC 144 2020-11-02
prEN 415-11
Safety packaging machines Part 11: Determination
of efficiency and availability CEN/TC 146 2020-11-19
prEN 1097-6
Tests for mechanical and physical properties aggregates -
Part Determination particle density and water
absorption CEN/TC 154 2020-11-19
prEN ISO 13479
Polyolefin pipes for the conveyance fluids -
Determination resistance crack propagation Test
method for slow crack growth notched pipes
(ISO/DIS 13479:2020) CEN/TC 155 2020-11-06
prEN 476
General requirements for components used drains and
sewers CEN/TC 165 2020-11-19
prEN ISO 14705
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical
ceramics) Test method for hardness monolithic
ceramics room temperature (ISO 14705:2016) CEN/TC 184 2020-11-19
prEN ISO 17172
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical
ceramics) Determination compaction properties of
ceramic powders (ISO 17172:2014) CEN/TC 184 2020-11-19
prEN ISO 18610
Fine ceramics (advanced ceramics, advanced technical
ceramics) Mechanical properties ceramic composites
at ambient temperature air atmospheric pressure -
Determination elastic properties ultrasonic technique
(ISO 18610:2016) CEN/TC 184 2020-11-19
prEN ISO 22636
Adhesives Adhesives for floor coverings Requirements
for mechanical and electrical performance
(ISO 22636:2020) CEN/TC 193 2020-11-12
prEN 14525
Ductile iron wide tolerance couplings and flange adaptors
for use with pipes different materials: ductile iron, Grey
iron, Steel, PVC-U, PE, Fibre-cement CEN/TC 203 2020-11-05
prEN 15330-4
Surfaces for sports areas Synthetic turf and needle-
punched surfaces primarily designed for outdoor use -
Part Specification for shockpads used with synthetic
turf, needle-punch and textile sports surfaces CEN/TC 217 2020-10-29
prEN ISO 18086
Corrosion metals and alloys Determination AC
corrosion Protection criteria (ISO 18086:2019) CEN/TC 219 2020-11-12