ČAS - Věstník 2020-1

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Poznámky redaktora
Věstník 1/2020 46 EN 14081-2:2018/prA1 Timber structures Strength graded structural timber with rectangular cross section Part Machine grading; additional requirements for type testing CEN/TC 124 2020-01-30 EN 384:2016+A1:2018/prA2 Structural timber Determination characteristic values of mechanical properties and density CEN/TC 124 2020-01-30 prEN 17461 Gymnastic equipment Individual and multifunctional vaulting boxes Safety requirements and test methods CEN/TC 136 2020-02-13 prEN ISO 2810 Paints and varnishes Natural weathering coatings - Exposure and assessment (ISO/DIS 2810:2019) CEN/TC 139 2020-02-10 prEN 12355 Food processing machinery Derinding-, skinning- and membrane removal machines Safety and hygiene requirements CEN/TC 153 2020-01-30 EN 15193-1:2017/prA1 Energy performance buildings Energy requirements for lighting Part Specifications, Module CEN/TC 169 2020-02-20 prEN 17456 Wood flooring and parquet Determination top and bottom layer delamination multilayer elements Test method CEN/TC 175 2020-01-30 prEN 13647 Wood flooring and wood panelling and cladding - Determination geometrical characteristics CEN/TC 175 2020-02-06 prEN ISO 4042 rev Fasteners Electroplated coating systems (ISO/DIS 4042: 2019) CEN/TC 185 2020-02-05 prEN 17446 Fire extinguishing systems commercial kitchens - Design and test requirements CEN/TC 191 2020-02-06 prEN 17451 Fixed firefighting systems Automatic sprinkler systems - Design, assembly, installation and commissioning of pump sets CEN/TC 191 2020-01-30 prEN 12778 Cookware Pressure cookers for domestic use CEN/TC 194 2020-01-30 prEN ISO 4135 Anaesthetic and respiratory equipment Vocabulary and semantics (ISO/DIS 4135:2019) CEN/TC 215 2020-02-18 prEN 12697-48 Bituminous mixtures Test methods Part 48: Interlayer Bonding CEN/TC 227 2020-01-30 prEN ISO 12671 Thermal spraying Thermally sprayed coatings - Symbolic representation drawings (ISO/DIS 12671:2019) CEN/TC 240 2020-02-12 prEN ISO 1833-25 Textiles Quantitative chemical analysis Part 25: Mixtures polyester with certain other fibres (method using trichloroacetic acid and chloroform) (ISO/DIS 1833-25:2019) CEN/TC 248 2020-02-20 prEN ISO 11073-10201 Health informatics Device interoperability Part 10201: Point-of-care medical device communication Domain information model (ISO/IEEE FDIS 11073-10201:2019) CEN/TC 251 2020-04-01 prEN 13749 Railway applications Wheelsets and bogies Method of specifying the structural requirements bogie frames CEN/TC 256 2020-01-30 prEN ISO 23036-2 Microbiology the food chain Methods for the detection Anisakidae larvae fish and fishery products Part Artificial digestion method (ISO/DIS 23036-2:2019) CEN/TC 275 2020-01-27 prEN ISO 23036-1 Microbiology the food chain Methods for the detection Anisakidae larvae fish and fishery products Part UV-press method (ISO/DIS 23036-1:2019) CEN/TC 275 2020-01-27 prEN ISO 19111 Geographic information Referencing coordinates (ISO 19111:2019) CEN/TC 287 2020-02-06 prEN ISO 665 Oilseeds Determination moisture and volatile matter content (ISO/DIS 665:2019) CEN/TC 307 2020-01-28 prEN ISO 24267 Friction Test methods for casual footwear and components (ISO/DIS 24267:2019) CEN/TC 309 2020-02-05