Věstník 8/2019
FprEN IEC 60215:201X/prAA
Safety requirements for radio transmitting
equipment General requirements and
terminology CLC/SR 103 2019-09-06
prEN IEC 62401
Radiation protection instrumentation Alarming
personal radiation devices (PRDs) for the
detection illicit trafficking radioactive
material CLC/TC 45B 2019-08-30
prEN IEC 62327
Radiation protection instrumentation Hand-held
instruments for the detection and identification of
radionuclides and for the estimation ambient
dose equivalent rate from photon radiation CLC/TC 45B 2019-08-30
EN 50131-1:2006/prA3:2019
Alarm systems Intrusion and hold-up systems -
Part System requirements CLC/TC 2019-08-30
EN IEC 61300-2-4:2019/prA1:2019
Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive
components Basic test and measurement
procedures Part 2-4: Tests Fibre cable
retentio CLC/TC 86BXA 2019-09-13
FprEN 60335-2-36:2017/prA11:2019
Household and similar electrical appliances -
Safety Part 2-36: Particular requirements for
commercial electric cooking ranges, ovens, hobs
and hob elements CLC/TC 2019-09-20
prEN IEC 61225
Nuclear power plants Instrumentation, control
and electrical power systems Requirements for
static uninterruptible and power supply
systems CLC/TC 45AX 2019-08-30
prEN IEC 62841-4-4:2019
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden
machinery Safety Part 4-4: Particular
requirements for lawn trimmers, lawn edge
trimmers, grass trimmers, brush cutters and brush
saws CLC/TC 116 2019-08-30
prEN IEC 62841-4-4:2019/prAA:2019
Electric motor-operated hand-held tools,
transportable tools and lawn and garden
machinery Safety Part 4-4: Particular
requirements for lawn trimmers, lawn edge
trimmers, grass trimmers, brush cutters and brush
saws CLC/TC 116 2019-08-30
EN 55014-1:2017/prA1
{fragment 5}:2019
Electromagnetic compatibility Requirements for
household appliances, electric tools and similar
apparatus Part Emission CLC/TC 210 2019-09-20
prEN IEC 63247-1:2019
Live working Part Footwear for electrical
protection Insulating footwear and overboots CLC/TC 2019-09-20
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