ČAS - Věstník 2019-2

| Kategorie: Firemní tiskovina  | Tento dokument chci!

Vydal: Úřad pro technickou normalizaci, metrologii a státní zkušebnictví

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Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 15651-4:2012 2011/19/EU Sealants for non-structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (1/2) Sealants for sanitary joints (for uses building construction). FPC Certification Body (System 2+) EAD 090062-00-0404 2003/640/EC Kits for exterior wall claddings (2/2) Kits for exterior wall claddings (for uses subject regulations reaction fire). Product Certification Body (System 1) EAD 090001-00-0404 EAD 090019-00-0404 2003/640/EC Kits for exterior wall claddings (2/2) Kits for external wall claddings mechanically fixed (for uses subject regulations on reaction fire). Product Certification Body (System 1) EAD 340037-00-0204 2011/19/EU Sealants for non-structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (1/2) Sealants for external walls (outdoor applications). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 15651-3:2012 2011/19/EU Sealants for non-structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (2/2) Sealants for non-structural use in joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (for uses subject reaction fire regulations).Věstník 2/2019 87 decision product family, product/intended use avcp system technical specification expansion joints for road bridges with flexible filling based on a synthetic polymer binder (in road bridges). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 15651-1:2012 EN 15651-2:2012 EN 15651-3:2012 EN 15651-4:2012 (*) use facilities outside the testing laboratory the notified body horizontal notification (cpr annex v. Testing Laboratory (System 3) EAD 090019-00-0404 2003/640/EC Kits for exterior wall claddings (2/2) Kits for exterior wall claddings (for uses subject regulations reaction fire). Certification Body (System 1) 2003/640/EC Kits for exterior wall claddings (1/2) Kits for exterior wall claddings (for external walls external finishes walls). Testing Laboratory Calculation body (System 3) EAD 090062-00-0404 2003/728/EC Metal frame building kits, concrete frame building kits, prefabricated building units, cold storage room kits and rock-fall protection kits Metal frame building kits (in building works). Product Certification Body (System 1) EAD 090062-00-0404 2003/640/EC Kits for exterior wall claddings (2/2) Kits for external wall claddings mechanically fixed (for uses subject regulations on reaction fire).3) essential characteristics specification body Function Noise absorption ISO 10140-1 Sound insulation EN ISO 354 Sound absorption Testing Laboratory 25 25 . Product Certification Body (System 1) EAD 230008-00-0106 2003/728/EC Metal frame building kits, concrete frame building kits, prefabricated building units, cold storage room kits and rock-fall protection kits Prefabricated building units (in building works). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 15651-2:2012 2011/19/EU Sealants for non-structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (1/2) Sealants for pedestrian walkways (for uses building construction). FPC Certification Body (System 2+) EAD 090001-00-0404 EAD 090019-00-0404 2003/640/EC Kits for exterior wall claddings (1/2) Kits for external wall claddings mechanically fixed (for external walls external finishes walls). Product Certification Body (System 1) EN 15651-1:2012 EN 15651-2:2012 EN 15651-3:2012 EN 15651-4:2012 2011/19/EU Sealants for non-structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (2/2) Sealants for non-structural use in joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (for uses subject reaction fire regulations). Testing Laboratory (System 3) EN 15651-1:2012 2011/19/EU Sealants for non-structural use joints buildings and pedestrian walkways (1/2) Sealants for glazing (for uses in building construction)