BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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The use of innovations and new technologies at Hageris always customer-driven. Every year, Hager evaluatesthousands of its customer contacts, resulting in detailedknowledge of its customers’needs in order to workefficiently and successfully.

Vydal: HAGER ELECTRO s.r.o. Autor: EN HAGER

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Poznámky redaktora
6 230V~ TR TR a 2b 1 8 8 1 FCC 1 8 8 1 FCC 1 8 8 1 FCC NTBA 1 .T64 Wire colours when using installation cable J-Y (St) 2x2x0. 2 . . 120 m length S 0 -bus max. 4592 can used as the termination socket. . (max. . telephones and other devices) ISDN line ISDN line ISDN line Maximum FCC sockets, with a total terminal devices connected. 2 . to . . to . 12 Sockets 230V~ TR TR a 2b 1 8 8 1 FCC 1 8 8 1 FCC 1 8 8 1 FCC NTBA 1 . . For shielded cables, connect the screen. . 120 m length a 2b 1 8 8 1 NTBA Network termination (Network Terminator Basic Access) FCC Universal connecting unit TR Terminal resistor for every 100 Ohm 1/4 W The FCC socket outlets with switchable resistors order no. and cables Contact assignment FCC RJ45 Terminal designation FCC/pin Analog terminal IEC ISDN system System telephones "Normal" cordless telephones with analogue connection ISDN exchange line S0 bus lead S0 telephone PC with S0 card Fax group 4 Fax group 3 DSL modem output 10Base-T and 100Base-TX Splitter output FCC 1 8 8 1 FCC 1 8 8 1 FCC NTBA 1 . (max. 120 m length S 0 -bus max. . . . 2 . ( d) Notes Cat. to .6 Lg 8 1 2 7 3 4 5 6 ws rt sw ge d r d FCC 8(4) 3 4 5 6 2b 6 36 1b 5 1a 4 2a 3 FCC 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 18 2b 6 1b 5 1a 4 2a 37 1 FCC 2x8 (4) 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 36 36 2b 6 1b 5 1a 4 2a 3 FCC 2x8 1 2 3 4 5 68 7 1 2 3 4 5 68 7 8 1818 2b 6 1b 5 1a 4 2a 37 1 UAE 8/8 18 18 8 2b 6 1b 5 1a 4 2a 3 1 2 3 4 5 68 7 7 1 1 2 3 4 5 68 7 8 6 2b 5 1b 4 1a 3 2a 7 1 3 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 36 36 * * * Bridging can be plugged in 2b 6 1b 5 1a 4 2a 3 3a 3b 4a 2a 1a 1b 2b 4b Pair 8 1 2 7 3 4 5 6 8 1 2 7 3 4 5 6 13 mm TX+ RX+ RX- TX- 10Base-T unshielded RX- TX+ TX- RX+ RX+ TX- TX+ RX- Token Ring RX+ TX+ TX- RX- Analog terminal, Siemens Analog terminal, T-Com E a b W W a b E b E W a TX+ TX- RX- RX+ UP0-ISDN terminal2a 1a 1b 2b a b S0-ISDN-terminal 1a/1b transmit, 2a/2b receive (from Network Terminator NTBA) U-R2a U-R2a TX+ TX- AS400 X X X X X X X X TIA/EIA-568-A TIA/EIA-568-B X X X X Gigabit Ethernet TP-PMD ATM 3270 NTBA a b P U PN 8 1 Pin assignment FCC socket outlets FCC 2x8 (4) with switchable resistors The twisted pairs must not untwisted more than mm, otherwise the transmission properties will change. telephones and other devices) Data/Telecommunications . The bend radius the cable must not less than the cable diameter "d". telephones and other devices) Maximum FCC socket outlets 1gang, with total terminal devices connected. Connection variants ISDN-S0 bus Maximum FCC socket outlets 1gang, with total terminal devices connected. (max. 12 230V~ TR TR S 0 -bus max