BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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Vydal: HAGER ELECTRO s.r.o. Autor: EN HAGER

Strana 580 z 616

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Poznámky redaktora
1 exchange line For telephone set.T63 17 mm 34 mm 17 mm rd bk wt ye 1a 1b 2a 2b F-coding W 3 Lb 2 La 1 4 E 5 b2 6 a2 N coding W 3 Lb 2 La 1 4 E 5 b2 6 a2 1 La 2 Lb 3 W 4 E 5 b2 6 a2 TAE 6/6NFF F 1 6 6 1 3 4 2 5 1 6 4500. The cable length should not exceed m.g. 2 exchange lines For telephone set. VGA cables can, depending their quality, even lengths less than m be susceptible interference, may still transmit good signal more than 30 Cables suitable for high frequency cables with coaxial construction are advantageous for the colour channels.6 Bd Marking with colours e. 15 15 610 11 SHL VGA module The VGA module used connect display devices graphics card.g. TAE 6NFN F 1 6 3 4 2 5 1 6 4500. fax forward next N-box) W additional call device, e. 3 1 4 2 4 312 +- Cinch module - + Cinch (RCA) designates standardised connector for transmission of electrical signals, preferably via coaxial cables. The use other types of cables not widespread, but possible.g.g.6 new (old) Colour coding rd red bk black wt white ye yellow gn green bl blue TAE connector La, Lead incoming a2, Outgoing lead (N-coded devices, e. for J-2Y(St)Y 2x2x0. 2a1a1b2b 1a 1b 2a Pair 1 Pair 2 ye rd gn bl 2b Arrangement cable star configuration Marking with rings e. A-2Y(St)2Y 2x2x0,6 III Bd Data/Telecommunications . UAE8(6) TAE 6F+N F+N 1 6 4 1 2 3 5 6 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 1 6 4488. - + SHL 4,10,11 512 13 14 1 8 PIN Transfer signal Conductor 1 Red Coaxial conductor 2 Green Coaxial conductor 3 Blue Coaxial conductor 4* Monitor Bit Twisted pair conductor (optional connection) 5 Earth Twisted pair conductor 6 Red earth Coaxial shield 7 Green earth Coaxial shield 8 Blue shield Coaxial shield 9 Not assigned Not contacted 10* Synch, earth Twisted pair conductor 11* Monitor Bit digital earth Twisted pair conductor (optional connection) 12 Monitor Bit Twisted pair conductor (optional connection) 13 Horizontal synchronisation Conductor 1 14 Vertical synchronisation Conductor 2 15 Monitor Bit Not contacted SHL Housing shielding Outer shielding * are connected together terminal. TAE 6F+N F+N 1 6 4 1 2 3 5 6 4487.g. J-Y(St)Y 2x2x0.. 2 exchange line Wiring diagrams are represented respectively the not stuck condition. 4 312 PIN Transfer signal 1 Luminance (Y) earth 2 Chrominance (C) earth 3 Intensity (luminance) Y 4* Colour (chrominance) C S-Video module The S-Video (also known Separate Video, Y/C) module used order to transmit brightness (luminance) and colour (chrominance) information separately. and other devices 1 exchange line For telephone set. bell (connection and Lb) E Earth/ground connection TAE box view Connection with 4-core cable (Connector view from rear) green brown white yellow green W brown Lb white La yellow E Connection with 7-core cable (Connector viewed from rear) green bluegrey yellow brown white green La blue E grey W yellow Lb brown b2 white a2 TAE socket outlets For telephone set and 1 add-on unit and 1 separate telephone set.... Older labelling with colours e