BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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Poznámky redaktora
The required tempera- ture set using the adjusting knob.4 mW 28. 1. Control levels The required temperature set manually using the adjusting knob. The night lowering can activated with upstream timer (s.6 Switching capacity heating 2. The device insulated.T34 Thermostats The thermostat controls the temperature enclosed spaces, such in flats, schools, workshops.3 W Switching temperature difference approx. The mains switch switches the heating off. A protective earth not necessary.15 W Switching temperature difference approx.1 kW Power consumption 0. The device should fitted approx.] Connection L Outer conductor N Neutral conductor Load connection RF Resistor for thermal re-circulation TA Resistor for night lowering the room temperature add.: 2030 Temperature range °C Rated voltage 250 V~, 50/60 Hz Rated current cos 0.6 Rated current cooling cos 0. 0. The scaling the thermostats optimum installation location corresponds to approx. 0.: 2031 Temperaturbereich °C Rated voltage V~, 50/60Hz; V= Rated current 4.5 °C Temperature lowering approx.2 kW Power consumption with night lowering 0., 2031. The red LED lights the controller. Figure 2) or with control switch. Temperature sensor [0161] To measure the temperature, the sensor the floor installed a protective tube that between heating conductors. 5,9 mm 7,8 mm 20 mm 4 m 0161 Figure Dimensions temperature sensor Thermostat .6 Breaking capacity 2.5 above the floor, prefrably opposite the heating source interior wall.] This thermostat controls the temperature underfloor heating systems. The tempera- ture lowered approx.: 6 2 3 5 : °C 2 °C 3 °C : °C 5 °C 6 °C Assembly and electrical connection To ensure that the control accuracy not reduced, select installation location: – without any draughts from windows and doors – not within shelving units behind curtains and similar coverings – without direct sunlight – not close televisions, radios and heaters, lamps, chimneys and heating pipes If controllers and dimmers are installed multiple-frame structure, the chosen distance between both devices should be as large possible.15 W 0.. Since the controller does not work without thermal re-circulation, the neutral conductor must connected the terminal order avoid extreme temperature fluctuations during controlling.5 °C Temperature lowering approx..1 = Breaking capacity 240 100 = Power consumption with night lowering 14.] Connection L Outer conductor N Neutral conductor Load connection RF Resistor for thermal re-circulation T> Bimetal contact (temperature evaluation) RF Load Load T N L Heating Cooling L N Figure Wiring thermostat, change-over contact Technical data Thermostat, change-over contact Order no. °C Thermostat, contact, Order no. Temperature range °C Rated voltage 250 V~, 50/60 Hz Rated current heating cos 0.2 kW Switching capacity cooling 1...5 °C Thermostat, contact [2030. Timer (switch) for night lowering temperature T> Bimetal contact (temperature evaluation) T N L Load TA Heating RF Night lowering L N Figure Wiring thermostat, contact Technical data Thermostat, contact Order no. The green LED lights briefly. the case arrangement one above the other, the controller should mounted below the dimmer.. 0. the temperature fallen short of, the control device requests heat. 5°C. °C Thermostat for underfloor heating [2034. Thermostat, change-over contact [2026 .8 mW Switching temperature difference approx. 2026