BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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2 m see BLC controller on BLC controller on BLC controller or comfort - 293410 BLC tronic switch insert 230 V~, 50/60 Hz 1 W MosFet 50-420 W 50-420 W - 50-420 W - - - - - - - 50 W see cover to 55015 see cover -20 °C see cover see cover see cover 1. auto.2 m see cover see cover see cover 10 circuit breaker 2906 BLC auto. Switching off delay: approx. stair light switch RMD - s.1 2. stair light switch RMD Plus 230 V~, Hz - Relay, 100 % 2300 W 2300 W 1000 VA 1500 W 1200 VA 920 W 2300 W 700 W approx. stair light switch RMD at auto. 200 VA - 15 A 100 mA Off/Auto/On to 55015 IP20 5 °C 10 sec. BLC controller, BLC controller comfort, BLC presence detector BLC button are required covers. Lux on BLC controller 1.2 W - 20–500 W 20–500 W 20–500 VA - - - - - - - - 20 W see cover to 55015 see cover -20 25°C see cover see cover see cover 1. (obs. stair light switch RMD s. auto. stair light switch RMD s.T19 5031 5031 5031 293410 B1 A1 293410 B1 A1 293410 B1 A1 *HVAC channel for BLC relay switch insert 2912 Switching capacity incandescent lamps: 800 W Switching capacity 230 Halogen lamps: 750 W Switching delay: min.: Push-button (NOC) Push-button (NOC) Further trigger inserts or push-buttons (NOC) Further trigger inserts push- buttons (NOC) Further trigger inserts push- buttons (NOC) Control line length max. Check suitability the devices before use and necessary use making current limiter! Overview controller 180, flush-mounted . auto. Observe the operating conditions page T6. (Remove contact lug neon lamp unit) result, this push station is classified the table unilluminated push-button. Check suitability equipment prior use and inrush current limiters necessary. the cond. When connecting energy-saving bulbs and electronic ballasts (EVGs), consider the high inrush currents. auto. stair light switch RMD s. page T7) Delay time Response brightness Response sensitivity Recommended mounting height Detection levels Detection area limit Range reduction Fuse Order no. stair light switch RMD to 55015 see cover 5 °C s. auto.1 2. (obs. the cond. (Remove contact lug neon lamp unit) result, this push station is classified the table unilluminated push-button. The BLC stair light trigger inserts can only used conjunction with the BLC automatic stair light switch RMD Plus. The permitted number shown the following table: BLC stair light unilluminated illuminated push- illuminated push- trigger inserts push-buttons buttons 0,4 buttons mA 16 any - 12 any 10 10/8/6/4/2 any 37/50/62/75/87 15/20/25/30/35 BLC stair light trigger insert 3-wire circuit (pulsed neutral conductor) B1 3 A2A1 4 0 4 6 8 10 016301 BLC stair light trigger insert B1 3 A2A1 4 0 4 6 8 10 016301 BLC stair light trigger insert 4-wire circuit (pulsed phase) 4-wire circuit (pulsed phase) B1 3 A2A1 4 0 4 6 8 10 016301 1675 BLC stair light trigger insert Push-button (NOC) L N L N L N Technical data Supply voltage Power consumption Switching contact Switching capacity -Incandescent lamps -230 halogen lamps -Conventional transformers load -Tronic transformers -Fluorescent lamps uncompensated parallel compensated Duo circuit -Fluorescent lamps with electronic ballast Energy saving lamps HVAC switching current Maximum inrush current Minimum load Slide switch Radio interference suppression VDE mark Index protection Operating temp. Observe the operating conditions Page T6.2 m see cover see cover see cover electronic 2902 BLC toch dimmer LV 230 V~, 50/60 Hz 1. With BLC controller and BLC presence detector the delay time must set step operation. min.1 2.: Technical data Supply voltage Power consumption Switching contact Switching capacity - Incandescent lamps - 230 halogen lamps - Conventional transformers load - Tronic transformers - Fluorescent lamps uncompensated parallel compensated Duo circuit - Fluorescent lamps with electronic ballast Energy saving lamps HVAC switching current Maximum inrush current Minimum load Slide switch Radio interference suppression VDE mark Index protection Operating temp.2 m see cover see cover see cover 10 circuit breaker 2903 ** Tronic transformer with 1-10 interface When connecting energy-saving bulbs and electronic ballasts (EVGs), consider the high inrush currents.5 mA) s.2 m see cover see cover see cover T 250 V 2904 BLC push-button control unit V 230 V~, 50/60 Hz 1. stair light switch RMD - - s.2 m see cover see cover see cover 10 circuit breaker 2912 BLC universal touch dimmer 230 V~, 50/60 Hz 0. auto. 100 m Use only BLC controllers and presence detectors from release issue onwards. 2/10/30/60/120 min.2 m see cover see cover see cover T 1.5 (2.1 2. auto. A slide switch the BLC controller comfort has function. 200 VA - 15 A 100 mA see cover to 55015 see cover -20 °C see cover see cover see cover 1.2 W Relay 2300 W 2300 W 1000 VA 1500 W 1200 VA 920 VA 2300 VA - approx. stair light switch RMD approx. Check suitability equipment prior use and inrush current limiters necessary. With 3-wire circuit variation (pulsed neutral conductor), the neon lamp unit terminal must connected the phase. stair light switch RMD - - s.5 W Relay HVAC values, below* 1000 W 1000 W 750 VA 750 W 500 VA - 1000 VA - - 4 A 15 A 100 mA see cover to 55015 see cover 5 °C see cover see cover see cover 1. BLC triac switch insert LV 230 V~, 50/60 Hz 1 W Triac 40-400 W 40-400 W 40-400 VA - - - - - - - - 40 W see cover to 55015 see cover -20 °C see cover see cover see cover 1. auto. on BLC trigger insert on BLC controller - - - - 10 circuit breaker 016301 BLC relay switch insert HVAC 230 V~, 50/60 Hz 1. Increasing the number illuminated push-buttons With the above circuit (4-wire circuit, pulsed phase), the terminal of the neon lamp unit connected the neutral conductor.1 2. When energy-saving lamps and electronic ballasts are connected note high switch-on currents. page T7) Delay time Response brightness Response sensitivity Recommended mounting height Detection levels Detection area limit Range reduction Fuse Order no.7 W - 50–420 W 50–420 W 50–420 VA 50–420 W - - - - - - - 50 W see cover to 55015 see cover -20 25°C see cover see cover see cover 1. auto.1 2.6 250 V 2905 BLC stair light trigger insert 230 V~, 50/60 Hz 0. stair light switch RMD s.8 W Relay 700 W 700 W - type-dependent** - - - type-dependent type-dependent 3,04 A 15 A - see cover to 55015 see cover 5 35°C see cover see cover see cover 1.1 2.1 2.2 m see cover see cover see cover electronic 2916 BLC relay switch insert 230 V~, 50/60 Hz 1