BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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This means that dimming and changing the temporary brightness setpoint not possible. The presence detector switches the lighting only for long needed. m approx. See short press. 100 m 103 mm according 55015 0 °C Brightness threshold value Minimum brightness the area being monitored. The constant light control is designed that the user notices little possible. Notes: · When BLC switch insert used, distinction made between short press and a long press. · the lighting was switched off via the extension unit, switching-on can performed only via the extension unit the last brightness value Slide show function With BLC extension unit mechanical push-button (NOCs) possible switch the lighting off selectively. Detected motions extend the delay time to the time set the potentiometer. min. push-button The lighting switched max. The area evaluated expanded. Technical data Power supply Connected load Power consumption Delay time Brightness threshold value Detection angle Detection levels Number zones Number switching segments Detection area desk level Detection area floor level Installation height for nominal detection areas Number extension units Extension unit cable length Dimensions H) Radio interference suppression Operating temperature BLC presence detector with constant light control order no. · Each detected motion re-starts the delay time set the potentiometer. During installation, not subject the sensor window the presence detector direct sunlight; this could destroy the sensor. Monitored area very bright with lighting and extraneous light: Load switches off after approx. · presence detector mode the dimmed brightness value temporarily adopted the brightness setpoint, long the lighting remains switched on. The detection area should not limited furniture, pillars, etc. · Vibration-free installation, because movements the detector can also trigger a switching operation Sources interference Do not install the direct vicinity heat source.g. As daylight decreases, the lighting switched dimmed up. sec. Increase (dim up) the brightness to maximum brightness.5 m see BLC insert max. When dimmer insert used, presence detector mode the minimum brightness simultaneously used the setpoint which the brightness held constant. 170110 via BLC insert depending BLC insert approx. For switch inserts the switch-off brightness (brightness setpoint) approx. · Extension unit operation only possible there cover fitted the main device. setting "Test" Presence mode: approx. W approx. expand the detection field, use BLC controller extension units. motion detected extension unit, this reported the main device, and the connected load switched the brightness below the threshold value the main device. Settings The cover can removed order adjust the delay time (operating mode) and brightness threshold value. the dimmer insert's own non-temporary brightness memory changed, then BLC button must used temporarily for saving the dimmer insert.T16 Function: The BLC presence detector with constant light control responds heat motions caused by persons, animals objects. The lighting switched to minimum brightness. daylight increases, the lighting dimmed switched off. Using with main device BLC universal touch dimmer) BLC controller extension units possible evaluate even large areas. The presence detector switches the lighting when it detects motion and the brightness below the set level. After additional five minutes without detection the lighting switched off. Brightness sensor Delay time setting Brightness setting Test and status LEDs (brightness settings help) Fresnel lens 10s 10min 30min time Test 0 lux Top or Full surface Bottom Mechanical push-button The lighting switched to minimum brightness, held for s and then dimmed maximum brightness. min. Monitored area light enough due to switched-on lighting. is mounted exclusively ceilings, and monitors the area located below it, for example. The lighting switched dimmed, depending the BLC insert used. The lighting switched off when one the following cases applies: · The presence detector detects more motion and the set delay time has elapsed. This makes optimal adjustment possible without detaching the cover. The lighting also switched off when there motion. With motion the switch turned off after the set delay time. m 2. sec. After that it dims the lighting that the brightness held constant the setpoint that has been set (constant light control). min.e. Control surface Load off Load on Long press (longer than 400 ms) only for BLC dimmer inserts Control surface Test LED (brightness settings help) LED off Monitored area too dark: Load switched on when motion detected. When the brightness drops below this value, the presence detector switches the lighting when motion is detected. Temporary deactivation the lighting control If the presence detector switched the lighting off due sufficient extraneous light (e. Combination with BLC switch insert The lighting always switched maximum brightness. Mount brightness sensor the side away from windows to avoid the effects scattered light. The fact that the brightness exceeded indicated flashing the LED. brightness. you wish to end the slide show function manually, switch the lighting again manually the extension unit (for dimmer inserts the brightness before switching-off will set). Installation location · Ceiling mounting indoor areas. expand the detection field, the presence detector can combined with BLC controller extension unit insert and connected the main device. The delay time corresponds to the value set the potentiometer, but least minutes. BLC presence detector with constant light control . When set marking the automatic initial detection deactivated, switching only possible manually via the extension units. 400 lux here. The presence detector switches the lighting off longer needed, i. Delay time The potentiometer "time" can used set the delay time; change operating mode is indicated flashing the LED. daylight), then you can switch the lighting control off manually. The lighting then dimmed minimum brightness most one minute.test operation; approx. when bright enough even without lighting when there longer anyone present. motion detected now, the lighting may switched again, depending the brightness situation. Notes: · Each press re-starts the set delay time, but for least minutes. · With mechanical push-button, distinction made between short press and a long press. presence detector operation; approx. After waiting period 10 minutes the lighting switched off regardless motion. · controller operation the lamps retain the dimmed brightness long the lighting remains switched on. LED flashes Monitored area bright enough: Load remains off even when motion detected. · Illuminated push-buttons must supplied with power via separate neutral conductor. can used for switching and dimming the lighting in offices and common areas. The lighting now remains switched long the presence detector detects motion. 10-1000 lux/symbol "0" initial activation only via extension unit 360° 6 80 320 approx. Only after minutes without motion being detected the slide show function ended automatically. minutes, because the brightness sufficient even without lighting. necessary limit detection area using supplied push-on cover. See short press. LED on Monitored area bright enough: Load remains off even when motion detected. the presence detector detects motion the next minutes, then the switch-off time extended. Extension unit operation For manual operation the presence detector, BLC extension unit (passive extension unit) required combination with BLC button mechanical push-button (NO contact). also able evaluate small motions (fine motor functions), such those that typically occur offices. · The detection area should not limited furniture, pillars, etc. Reduce (dim down) the brightness minimum brightness. Combination with BLC dimmer insert The presence detector first switches the lighting maximal brightness. BLC presence detector combination with BLC controller extension units. The lighting control now active again.g. Short press (less than 400 ms) Connection parallel BLC presence detectors with constant light control not permitted. this, switch the lighting again the extension unit within minute after switched off automatically. Cooling light bulbs and air movements from, for example, fans, heaters and open windows may be detected and lead switching-on again. For more information, see slide show-function Load off Load on Information regarding dimmer inserts · After switching-on, constant light control performed. · The presence detector has adjusted the lighting the lowest dimming setting. With motion the switch turned off after the set delay time. The lighting switched off when one the following cases applies: · more motion detected and the set delay time has elapsed · The brightness exceeds for least minutes (e. Load remains switched during motion. Load off Load on Monitored area too dark: Load remains switched during motion. The lighting only switched off the presence detector does not detect any more motion and the delay time has elapsed. Top, Bottom, Full surface or mech.5 times the setpoint. due more daylight) twice the set value. Never- theless the brightness exceeds 1. Lighting switched off for minutes. sec. Step operation: approx