BERKER Wiring accessories + Building automation catalogue 2012

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Vydal: HAGER ELECTRO s.r.o. Autor: EN HAGER

Strana 532 z 616

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The response brightness set the potentiometer then longer evaluated.g. through use the BLC relay switch insert HVAC 2912 „ Operating temperature range -20 °C „ Splash-protected flush-mounted variants (IP44) available Teach function The teaching function can used save the current ambient brightness (response brightness).. - The BLC controller comfort switches the operating mode set the slide switch. approx. through use with BLC relay switch insert HVAC 2912 „ Operating temperature range -20 °C Product features BLC controller comfort 1784 17887 xx „ For mounting BLC inserts „ Optimised detection thanks refined lens system „ Detection angle 180° „ Scope delivery includes cover for limiting the detection area 90° „ Digital signal processing „ Adaptive automatic sensitivity adjustment process the effects of interference signal sources and for adaptation the ambient conditions --> optimised wrong operation safety --> enhanced switching accuracy for detecting persons „ Response sensitivity also manually continuously adjustable from 100 on potentiometer „ Response brightness adjustable the range from lux daytime operation „ Teach function additional easy way individually adjust the response brightness (without detaching the cover) „ Glareproof against brief light from, for example, car headlamps/torches „ switching-on case unforeseeable short shadows „ Slide switch for off/automatic/on „ Brightness-independent step operation with immunity time sec./1789 and BLC presence detector 170109 „ Switching on, even outside the detection area, through the use of passive BLC extension units 2907 push-buttons (NOCs) „ Also motion-dependent, brightness-independent, time-delayed switching of fans, heaters, etc. for doorbell operation) „ Dimming function (soft-off sec. optimal The detection rays are intersected optimally. not optimal The detection rays are not intersected optimally.) „ Extension the detection area, e./1788./1786 .. constant motion the detection area results continuous light.. The BLC controllers have forced switch-off, i. 3 Sec./1787 . 1 min.g. the lighting already switched off, then switched for sec. for long corridors, through active BLC controller extension units 2908 with BLC controllers 1783 ./1788 . wrong The detection rays are not intersected. A power failure sec./1787 .. Sec.. The controller detects the object too late., BLC controller comfort 1784 .. BLC controller 180 ./1786 . Installation instructions problematical There should sources of interference, e.e. Procedure: - activate the teaching function, cover the BLC controller comfort completely briefly for approx. reactivates the response brightness set the potentiometer.g. - During the next minute, move away from the BLC controller comfort, that can correctly measure and save the current ambient brightness./, BLC controllers comfort 1784 . To confirm that has been saved, switch the lighting for sec./1789 and BLC presence detector 170109 „ Switching on, even outside the detection area, through the use of passive BLC extension units 2907 push-buttons (NOCs) „ Also motion-dependent, brightness-independent, time-delayed switching of fans, heaters, etc. 1 Sec.. Range limited. Dimensions Very low assembling height comparison Extension units When using BLC controllers with BLC controller extension units, overlapping the detection areas should ensured, that detection can be guaranteed.T15 Product features BLC controller 1783 1786 xx „ For mounting BLC inserts „ Optimised detection thanks refined lens system „ Detection angle 180° „ Scope delivery includes cover for limiting the detection area 90° „ Analogue signal processing „ Response brightness adjustable the range from lux daytime operation „ Response sensitivity continuously adjustable from 100 via potentiometer „ Standardisation means specified delay time min. sec. (only connection with BLC switch inserts, e. Sec. 23 BLC Main device BLC Controller Extension unit BLC Extension unit Push-button NOC Button Rocker BLC Button BLC controller BLC controller comfort BLC controller BLC controller comfort BLC presence detector with constant light control Possible combinations Problems with sources interference with the BLC controllercan generally be solved with the teachable digital BLC controller least times within period sec.) when using BLC dimmer insert „ Setting the switch-on brightness for the lighting via BLC extension unit 2907 the BLC main dimming device (memory function) „ Extension the detection area, e.. max. Saving the response brightness 3 Sec.. - soon the BLC controller comfort has recognised light cycles, the teaching function will active. the latest. The Berker control and the controller system have an integrated forced switch-off after min. For confirmation, the lighting already switched on then switched off and then switched for sec. lamps, heaters or fans the detection field: Select suitable installation location and/or use push-on cover.g.. for long corridors, through active controller extension units 2908 with BLC controllers 1783