BENNING produkty

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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 235 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
counting steps the last digit). The measuring data logging works with three measuring ranges (1:1; 10:1; 100:1).1. 20. case uninsulated applied part! 20. Tech nical ata, lia Tester M ains connection: C rre tio lian teste r - ith socket: - ith socket: M axim rre load socket: M axim pre-fuse: P rotection category: P rotection category: O rvo ltag category: C atio level: Tou screen display: A conditions: - range: - axim relative hum idity: T eratu range tolerances: E C Housing: D evice regulations: D sio ax. Switch-over of the measuring range occurs automatically, that measurement always carried out the most favourable measuring range. Thus, the follow­ ing terms are used for leakage currents: device leakage current, earth leakage current, protective conductor current, contact current, patient leakage current etc.1: The tester must allow least measurement the following parameters: - protective conductor resistance - insulating resistance - protective conductor current (direct measurement, differential current measurement or alternative leakage current measurement method) 08/ 2012 58 .12, EN61326-2-2 carrying case, surface-mounted, shock-resistant see introduction and table height width depth 170 410 350 mm approx.g. Facto settin system data: Test tim seconds T safe shutd seconds Transition resistance, nnector: Q Note: The measuring accuracy specified the sum of: - relative part the measured value and - number digits (i.3 A 16 A 16 load type, see table page 52 16 A 1I (for the test socket, the protective conductor is looped through) IP with the cover being open IP with the cover being closed II 2 115 mm height 2000 above sea level 0 (operating temperature) -20 (storage temperature) 80 linearly decreasing 60 °C, non-condensing 18 °C 0404-1/ 4. connectable storage capacity: card GB, USB stick GB For data input, also possible connect external keyboard the USB interface.1 Tech nical ata, easuring and evice Function DIN VDE 0404-2/ 4.e.BENNING BENNING 750 A type applied part isolated from earth and appropriate for direct application the heart or type applied part protected defib rillator f[W ]f A tten tio Make sure which type applied part concerned! Non-observance might cause short-circuit, e. The RS232 interface (COM port) for barcode scanner, RFID reader, and printer can set as follows: Baud rate: 1200; 2400; 4800; 14400; 19200; 38400; 57600; 115200 Parity: even, odd Data bits: 8 Stop bits: none, two *p rinted bold factory setting Max. This measuring accuracy applies to temperatures from and relative air humidity lower than %. kg - contact current (direct measurement, differential current measurement alternative leakage current measurement method) The application standards DIN VDE 0701-0702 and 0751-1 use different terms for the same measurement methods depending the properties and intended use the parts.): (without three-phase sockets) W eigh t: 230 Hz 0