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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 234 z 247

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A lie part B: This applied part which provides protection against electric shock compliance with the re­ quirements defined IEC 601-1, especially considering the admissible leakage current, and which is arked follow s: - typ earth applied art or - type applied part protected defib rillator A pplied parts type are not intended for being applied directly the heart.BENNING BENNING 750 A and the protective contact the mains plug appliance plug the protective conductor connec­ tion point the device respectively E lectrical lian ce Device (test sample) the condition which shall tested with regard electrical safety 19. Applied parts type are either applied parts type applied parts type CF Note: For devices protection class this applied part connected earth which can verified by measurement with ohmmeter. A lie part CF: This applied part type which provides more significant protection against electric shock than applied parts type compliance with the requirements defined IEC 601-1 and which is marked follows: 08/ 2012 58 . An insulated (unearthed) applied part described as: an applied part which isolated from other parts the device such way that the current flowing is not higher than the patient leakage current admissible for the firs lt, unintended voltage from external source connected the patient and thus applied between the applied part and earth. A lie part BF: This applied part type which provides more significant protection against electric shock than applied parts type compliance with the requirements defined IEC 601-1 and which is arked follow s: type BF: applied part isolated from earth or type BF: applied part protected defib rillator A pplied parts type are not intended for being applied directly the heart.2 Tech nical Term acco DIN 0751-1 A ctive part Any part medical electrical device (except for the applied part) which can touched the patient the operator touching the patient which might come into contact with the patient D evice leakage current Current flowing from mains supply units earth via accessible conductive parts the housing and via applied parts Fu ctio nnection Any type connection (electrical other) including those used for transmission signals and/or electric power and/or substances Inspection All measures taken determine and evaluate the actual condition the device M edical electrical device Electrical device which equipped with applied part, which serves transfer energy or from the patient which indicates such energy transfer from the patient and for which the following shall apply: a) The device provided with not more than one connection certain power supply network and b) intended for the following use its manufacturer: 1) diagnosis, treatment monitoring patient or 2) compensation palliation disease, injury disability M edical electrical system Combination individual devices defined the manufacturer among which least one must be medical electrical device and which are connected means functional connection by using multiple socket P atie viro t Any kind environment where connection can established intentionally unintentionally, namely between patients and parts medical electrical device system between patient or other perons touching parts the medical electrical device system P atie leak rre t Current flowing from the patient connections via the patient earth which caused unin­ tended external voltage the patient and flows from the patient via the patient connections an applied part type earth C issioning Initial use medical electrical device system after being installed the responsible organi­ zation R esp sib ization Entity responsible for the use and maintenance medical electrical device system (can also be person) M aintenance Any kind measures taken preserve the condition medical electrical device system in compliance with the manufacturer's requirements A lie parts As introduction, the different types applied parts will described the following. According to IEC 60601-1, applied part part evice which its intend use - necessarily comes into physical (bodily) contact with the patient that the device can fulfil its function or - can brought contact with the patient or - needs touched the patient