BENNING produkty

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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

Strana 225 z 247

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Poznámky redaktora
IPE (differential curren easurem ent, probe itched off), at seco ndary output, e. lnsu (250V), IPE (alternative easurem ent), line test 3.5 m/0. IPE (differential curren easurem ent, probe itched off) D evice lass ith RPE (200 A), lnsu (500V), IPE (alternative easurem ent), no functional test, for easurem ent heating devices, devices itho itch-m ode pow supplies, ree -phase devices via adap ter 0441 044123 D evice lass ith (10 A), lnsu (500V), IPE (alternative easurem ent), for testing exte nsion cable ith 300 such pow screw drivers, grinding tools etc.1 ax. D evice lass ith overvoltage arresters ith RPE (200 A), lnsu (250 V), func­ tional test ith IPE (differential current easurem ent, probe itched off) D evice lass ith (200 A), itho lnsu, functional test ith IPE (diffe­ rential curren easurem ent, probe itched off), test procedure ith lnsu, only w ith justification D evice lass ith (200 A), itho lnsu, ont (direct easurem ent), functional ith IPE (differential curren easurem ent, probe itched off), test procedure ith lnsu, only ith justification D evice lass ith (200m Rlnsu(SOOV), ont (direct easurem ent), functional incl.5 overall resistance: 0,3 per 7.1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 BENNING A D evice lass ith RPE (200 A), lnsu (500 V), functional test ith IPE (differen­ tial curren easurem ent, probe itched off) D evice lass ith (10 A), lnsu (500 V), functional test ith IPE (differential curren easurem ent, probe itched off) D evice lass ith (200 A), lnsu (500 V), ont (direct), functional with IPE (differential curren easurem ent, probe itched off) D evice lass ith functional earth, itho PE, lnsu (500 V), ont directly, e.g.5 m/0. Rlnsu (500V), IPE (alternative easurem ent), line test S hock-proof cable and overvoltage arrester, (200m overall resistance from (I/A), preset length l=5 cross-section =1.g.5 overall resistance: 0,3 per 7.1 ax.3 MQ), functional test incl. com letely insulated coffee achine ith conn ector lass itho accessible PE contact D evice lass ith heating elem ents <3. ains supply units, chargers T hree -phase device lass via adapter 0441 22/044 123: (200 mA) Rlnsu (500V) eans and adap ter 0441 27/044 128: IPE (clam easurem ent) T hree -phase device lass via adapter 0441 22/044 123: RPE (10 lnsu (500V) by eans and adap ter 044127/044 128: IPE (clam easurem ent) S hock-proof cable (200m lim iting value from (I/A), preset length l=5m , cross-section =1.5 kW, lnsu (500V, >0