BENNING produkty

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Usměrňovačové systémy DC-Měniče Střídače UPS systémy ...

Vydal: BENNING CR, s.r.o. Autor: BENNING

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Poznámky redaktora
carryingcase/ carryingstrap x switchable probe tip test cable with shock-proofplug x universal test cable, 1.t 13 BENNING 110, 120 Installation Testers the perfect solution for efficient testing Scope ofdelivery ofthe AddIn for Mebedo test software ELEKTROmanager and INFORMATION: RCDs type are increa­ singly used for multi-phase equipment power elec­ tronics.5 AAC(200 AC) item no. 044110 illumination sensor BENNING luxmeter type B Accuracy: item no.01 2000 Q current (TRUERMS) 0.01 lux klux (by means sensor) measured value memory 500 measuring results interfaces USB, 232 inc.5 m)________________ item no. 044102 Log gin ftw ith est Log ZVEH BENNING 120 B BENNING IT 110 BENNING IT 120 B testerincl. 044113 BENNINGluxmeter type B - ■==— - ^ F ja m m i ¡"■i------------------- — t 1 Earthing set in addition the BENNING 110: • testing universal current-sensitive RCDs type B • current measurement (TRUE RMS) means current clamp adapter (optional) • illumination measurement means lux sensor (optional) • earthing measurement means three-wire measuring method (optionally with earthing set) • integrated measured value memory for 500 measurements • USB and 232 interface • BENNING PC-Win 120 software included delivery BENNING 120 B In lla tio esters • software for reading the stored test data • creation test logs with handover and status report according ZVEH • structuring and export function the test data S cope liv lla tio rs . 044111 earthing set consisting earth rods and test cables (2 4.01 2000 Q short-circuit current 0. software BENNINGPC-Win 120 B item no.5 x 3 testprobe, crocodile clips x chargerwith6NiMHstoragebatteries (AA) x PCsoftware BENNINGPC-Win 120 x USBand RS232 cable x O ptional accessories BENNING 120 B___________ current clamp adapter BENNING CC2 0.01 2000 Q loop impedance (L-PE) 0. BENNING CC2 Features BENNING 110, BENNING 120 B • all measuring functions can selected directly means of rotary switch • switchable probe tip for releasing the measuring process • graphic display and help function with connecting diagram • complete measuring result with measuring parameters, limiting value and symbols for PASS/FAIL • current supply means NiMH storage batteries (AA) with charger A itio tio s BENNING 120 B BENNING IT 120 B display graphic display (illuminated) low-impedanceresistance 0.1 (by means the clamp) luminous intensity 0.01 -24.4 kA RCD testing typeAC, B tripping time, tripping current, contact voltage phase sequence voltage, frequency V-500 Hz earth resistance 0.01 2000 Q insulation resistance -1000 MQ line impedance (L-N/L) 0. case fault, these devices also detect smooth fault currents and high-frequency fault currents