Mains Mains Mains 2
Maximum availability achieved combining the parallel
operating modules with n+1 redundant design.
The addition replacement power modules can achieved
without additional work site. With power modules
of kVA, kVA and kVA wide range UPS system so
lutions can designed. il
- 11
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m -
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The software within the ENERTRONIC modular UPS system
integrates the new modules automatically.
80 kVA
____ b
80 kVA
- . load
transfer mains required.
70 kVA
60 kVA 1(1 MCI kVA
50 kVA
. True redundant“ modular UPS system
No single point failure
Pay you need Flexible output pow scalarity
In comparison with single bloc UPS systems with high initial
costs the advanced ENERTRONIC modularconcept allows the
user scale the output power steps and adapt the UPS
system changing power requirements. Each module represents
a complete double conversion UPS system with three phase
input three phase output and static by-pass. .
^ j
30 kVA -
20 kVA kVA
10 kVA
» ^
. Traditional modular UPS system
with single point failure (No redundancy)
B s
EN odular
Parallel, Modular and Redundant
Parallel and redundant Real parallel redundant
Very often traditional UPS systems operate stand-alone
systems without any redundancy.
ENERTRONIC modular UPS systems are based parallel
operating hot-plug power modules.
The load continues supplied safe UPS power.
I -
200 kVA
160 kVA
80 kVA
40 kVA
Fig, UPSsystem with kVApowermodules Fig, UPSsystem with kVApower modules Fig,6: UPSsystem with kVApowermodules
Outputpower kVA (n+1) Outputpower kVA (n+1) Outputpower200 kVA (n+1)
. ____ L--
o kVA kVA
L . System component faults
can cause downtime mission critical loads with very costly
consequences (single point failure)