EN odular
Optimised Efficiency and Continuous Availability
Are UPS systems always safe
and cost effective?
Comments from the market:
' Low UPS reliability due cost driven
design lim itations
' Insufficient availability due com plex service
and aintenance processes
' Lim ited application and cost flexibility
1High operating costs
(System aintenance, cooling system )
Continuous pow protection availability
and strong advantages______________________________
The modular and flexible scalability allows the addition or
replacement power modules any time.
ENERTRONIC modular UPS Systems
Reliable and cost-effective power protection
for mission critical business applications
• High availability
- Real system -redundancy
- High quality com ponents
- Prem ium design
• Efficient aintenance and cost-effective Service
- Short MTTR eantim Repair)
- Hot appable key com ponents and odules
• Financial flexibility
- Excellent odularity pay you need
• Optim ised cost operation
- Floor space saving rack design (minimum footprint)
- High efficiency ith energy and CO2
em ission savings
- Flexible pow upgrade and sim ple replace
m ent pow odules
C i
Fig. With little training Personnel can change modules within minutes.
The ENERTRONIC modular software provides seamless inte
gration new power modules (Auto-configuration).
Such replacement can performed without any interruption the load.
Competent Personnel can add replace power modules
without removing UPS power from the load