B.E.G. Katalog 2011/12

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Pohybový detektor ... pro bezpečnost, pohodlí a úspory energie in fračerven á absorce Detektory pohybu jsou často určené pro detekci pohybu zdrojů tepla v jejich detekčním dosahu a automaticky spínají připojená světla. Infračervený snímek: Ten je vyvolán pomocí pasivní infračervené technologie. To znamená, že integrované infračervené senzory zaregistrují tepelné záření a převedou ho na elektrický signál. Samotné čidlo nevysílá žádné záření a proto je označováno jako pasivní infračervený senzor (PIR senzor).

Vydal: BEG a.s. Autor: B.E.G.

Strana 328 z 608

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Poznámky redaktora
In the case lamp and faults, the number the as­ sociated displayed that the fault also localized directly within group. The follow ing faults which also cause the red fault LEDs to light the same time, can recognized the system and shown the display: - DALI short-circuit - Lamp fault with display the lamp number - fault with display the number - EIB-BUS No further faults can detected the case DALI short-circuit. If faults are present, this will displayed correspond­ ingly the display. Mobiler Service (Tf D WLAN • • o g 1 1 T E KNX ■ FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW DALI ID= ID= Function Primary functions Visualization Description Colour Part nr. With all other fault types, possible for several faults to recognized simultaneously. The switchover be­ tween the various faults present occurs within this menu item briefly pressing the Move button. EB DALI FAULT: FAULT 34 LAMPS EIB FAULT: 23 EIB FAULT COMMISSIONING DALI/KNX GATEWAY IP Additionally the before described commissioning possibilities the DALI-EB assignment the DALI/KNX Gateway can also take place over the Wireless LAN Network and via PDA with touchscreen monitor. Potential fault statuses can called within this menu. takes you back the superordinate level. Scenes DALI-Programming Tool 90123 21 DALICONTROLLER/ DALI/KNXGATEWAY . Confirming the ESC button (or automatically after approx.TROUBLESHOOTING AND NOTIFICATION You can get the submenu from the System main menu by briefly pressing the Prg/Set button