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USB, LAN and VGA interface Reports available PDF format X8: Win10 10.4″ Display High-end version with integrated Win10 PC and large touchscreen Equipment: Identical variant Additional Advantages:″ Display Device based the variant with large touch screen Equipment: Identical X4-Variant Additional Advantages: 10.4″ Touchscreen Win10 Professional Operating System Incl. USB- and LAN-Interface X6: Win10 Without Display Built-in variant with integrated industrial Windows PC Equipment: Identical variant Without display Additional Advantages: Win10 Professional Operating System Incl.7″ Display The Basic version for stand-alone-use Equipment: 5. USB, LAN and VGA Interface Reports available PDF format No matter what your application, deliver the right operating variant independent your test modules! ETL Prüftechnik GmbH 8 www.etl-prueftechnik.4″ Touchscreen Incl.7″ Touchscreen, WinCE Operating system User interface ETL DataView3 (Test plan editor, parameter definition, device settings, user administration, visual operator instructions) Local storage test results (HTML, CSV, XML and result telegrams) Optional: USB-, LAN- and PROFINET-Interface X5: WinCE 10.OUR USER VARIANT Basic functionality all operating options: Remote control via with external user interface ETL DataView3 Remote control via external with customized application and drivers from ETL (.NET, LabVIEW, ASCII and DLL) Remote control through PLC with ASCII driver digital Interface Optical and acoustic error visualization Interfaces: RS232, CAN, Digital-IO, safety circuit, signal lights, optional control actuators sensors, analogue speed inputs, Optional: digital selection test programs X2: Remote operation without Display Ideal for 19″ installation integration into an existing system Equipment: Without display and operating System Requires remote control Advantages: High Flexibility, good integration possibilities Cost advantage the variant X4: WinCE 5