ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

Strana 468 z 660

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The axim length the PR120/V iring ust not exceed meters. The VTs should only used for voltages 690V; for lower voltages the presence the PR120/V module connected the lower or higher busbars will sufficient.3.2). This ill enable satisfy all the international reference standards and guarantee perfect operation the relay even under severe environm ental and electrom agnetic conditions.3.3. data present and suitably adjust the phase-to-phase primary and secondary voltage the VT. 57/158 .— -A3 B3i b3 ^a3 N L3 ai +— 3 L “ H>+c: 13.2. Pay particular attention the types cable, the connections earth and the recom ended axim distances.3 and connection test A If the PR122/P was installed the user, portant, before closing the CB, check the last line the display when the relay turned for the first tim via PR030/B battery unit.c A TT with neutral A TT without neutral n.To run Trip Test, press the Test" button and the "Enter" button simultaneously. 15. With available, set the Voltage Transf. VT (A): Single standard transformers, see par. Current sensor connection for external neutral If you rre xte tra circ it-b r, re InN rin irc it-b pen and ly is . 11.3.2). positive result shown the circuit-breaker opening. 13. No.3 utting into service 1 tio s For the connections provided the user, recom ended you com ply strictly ith the recom endations c t. Use VTs ith shield, connected earth (see standard par. 2 Page No.1.4 Test Before putting into service, test can conducted means the specific "Auto test" function which can activated the PR122/P. Use corded shielded o-w ire cable (see note par.1. 1 tio s Dielectric strength tests are not allowed the inputs and outputs the releases the secondary lines any connected VTs The following summary table standard connections according the type plant. customer considers this value too high or has residual current protection which risks being tripped, then application diagram must used; - for and systems with neutral, the connection must made N. A pplication diagram A L1 L3 A pplication diagram B A1 b1 B1i\ a1- HA2 b2 B2]^02 . and/or disconnected essages ust appear; they do, not close the circuit-breaker and ake the correct connections. Check the open closed state the circuit-breaker the same "PR122/P Test" screen, checking that closed and de-energized. 13.3. The VTs must have performance coming between the values and inclusive, insulation between the primary and secondary.1 A Note for diagram for TN-C systems the connection must made PEN; - for TN-S systems the connection must made for configurations with neutral for configurationswithout neutral; the used, the current thereon could around dozen mA. positive result shown the display. Then test can conducted the whole chain, again using the specific function (Trip test). T 1/6 C s A t T rip ) C open Model 2234 Apparatus Scale L 2778 Doc.c A A A A 13.7. The shield ust connected earth both sides. Installation system "VT tra r (S r/S r) "VT Standard" type transform er (Delta/Delta) Application diagram Application diagram TN-C A TN-S A IT with neutral A IT n