ABB Vzduchové jističe EMAX E1-E6 Montážní návody a manuály (03)

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Vydal: ABB s.r.o, ELSYNN Autor: ABB ELSYnn

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Poznámky redaktora
12. NB: Time expressed seconds. 33/158 .5 Protection against instantaneous sho rt-circuit "linst" This function has single fixed-time protection curve.1 Protection "L" The "L" the only protection that cannot disabled because for self-protection against overloading the relay itself.6.1.5xI2. The inverse-time protection trip time given the expression: 9 t max (I, /I,)2 1 where 12ln, where 12ln If the fault current and I1the protection threshold, established the user.6. The fault current defined the following formula: I n If the circuit reveals faults, the module the sum these currents always nil; vice versa, the value the fault current takes larger and larger value depending the entity the fault. 1 tio I" This protection can disabled; the fixed time (t=k) type, and designed for nil intentional delay. Model 2234 Apparatus Scale L 2778 Doc No- 2 Page No. PR121/P equipped with two instruments make this thermal memory. The trip time the release surely 100% the time selected after time has elapsed from the last overload last trip, else trip time will be reduced depending the overload and time elapsed.2 Protection "S" This protection can disabled; can the fixed time (t=k) inverse time (t=k/I2) type; the latter case, the trip time given the expression: 100-1, (I,)2 If the fault current and I2the protection threshold, established the user. NB: Time expressed seconds.2.25x11. The PR121/P unit can provide earth fault protection, achieved inside the relay vectorially adding together the phase and neutral currents.1 Thermal ory "L" The thermal memory function can enabled protect the cables. The first one only effective when the release powered (it also records overloads that have not lasted long enough trip the release); the second operates even when the release not powered, reducing any trip times when closes again straight after and enabled soon the circuit-breaker tripped. This function can enabled through PR010/T, SD-Testbus2 SD-Pocket.2.2.2. This based the "tS" parameter defined the trip time the curve (t2) selected 1.6. based the parameter defined trip time the curve (t1) selected @1. The type curve that can set /I2.6.2.12. The PR121/P release determines which one use according the situation.2. NB: Time expressed seconds.2. where \max 1 " The thermal memory function can enabled for cable protection when the curve with inverse time selected.1. When the protection tripped, the circuit-breaker opened the opening solenoid (TC). The other characteristics are the same those for thermal memory "L" (see par.4 Protection "G" This protection can disabled; can the fixed time (t=k) inverse time (t= k/i2) type; the latter case, the trip time given the expression: * t, where l/l4 If the fault current and I4the protection threshold, established the user.6. max 12.6Description the protection functions 12. 12. 12. 12.1).6